I'm the guy who puts the events together and they are definitely legit and the best value going :D . I also work things out for people who don't want the hotel as part of their package. The team hotel is too pricey for some, but it is a nice hotel and you will meet players for sure.
I've completed 3 events so far and they have all gone over very well with 100% participation from the advertised player guests plus some other non-advertised players have shown up for the parties.
In closing, I don't want to plaster finheaven's board with promotions for my events because that's not why this site was created, but I do appreciate the plug. I've met AJ and Muck at a couple of web weekends and had some finheaven members go to the HOF Event with me. It's fine with me if we have 100% finheaven participants at the Bills game!! All you need to be is a die-hard Dolphins fan and I know everyone here meets that qualification :-)!
Just PM me if you want all the details. These events are just a great way for dolfans to get together on a game weekend and do some unique things fans can't do on their own.