Come on man...Tillman for god sake. I cant count how many missed tackles he had and how many times he got burned last year
Come on man...Tillman for god sake. I cant count how many missed tackles he had and how many times he got burned last year
didnt Tillman make some interceptions that helped us out a lot?? hey every player makes mistakes...we need depth, for camp battles.
Breath in......count to exhale very slowly.......Blow out the bad and breath in the good.This guy is an%^&*idot with no%^&*idea at all what the &*()$%^&is going on. What the ^&*( &*() $%^&*are the coaches thinking. I do not know who's idea this is but it FFFFFFFFFFFin SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSScks.
Get a clue and get us Landry,Griffin,Rouse,Sabetelli,Wendling,Dahl
Not only is this guy a lousy football player, he has character issues and former problems with Florida's finest. This is the last thing the Dolphins need.
C'mon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who's in charge here????????????
This guy is an%^&*idot with no%^&*idea at all what the &*()$%^&is going on. What the ^&*( &*() $%^&*are the coaches thinking. I do not know who's idea this is but it FFFFFFFFFFFin SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSScks.
Get a clue and get us Landry,Griffin,Rouse,Sabetelli,Wendling,Dahl
Not only is this guy a lousy football player, he has character issues and former problems with Florida's finest. This is the last thing the Dolphins need.
C'mon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who's in charge here????????????