Time for a poll and a Question... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Time for a poll and a Question...


Long Time Veteran
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo, Ohio
Infinsible really stirred up some of us here, when he said you shouldnt let the outcome of a game affect your everyday life, after all it's just a game.

in fact here is his quote:

"How about we all try and remember that we are watching grown men play a.... GAME!!

We aren't watching life or death, we aren't watching CNN war coverage, we aren't watching the towers fall or the housing market collapse.....We watch a GAME

The Miami Dolphins are a football team that plays a GAME..... It's not as if lives depend on the outcome of these games.....happiness or sadness is inexplicably tied to wins and losses with a lot of you guys and it gets downright scary watching some people freak out over a GAME that they aren't involved in playing.

Saban isn't going to lose his mind because he lost a GAME...because Saban has proper perspective.

That's not to say it doesn't bother him and that he doesn't care if he wins or loses....i guarantee that he cares more than any of you....but should he lose a game, a season, or a team.....you'll never see him act as if the world is coming to an end....you know why.....because it's not.........it's not real...once one team loses, they don't disappear into oblivion....once a team has a losing season, they don't bannish them from the league forever......they just play again next week, or next year....no reason to lose your sanity....

it's just a GAME."

So I throw out to you, what does a Dolphin Game mean to you? A Season? A 1-6 season? Is this really "Just a game" that you watch and can easily dismiss because no matter how you react they still will play next week or next year?
How does a loss affect your everyday Life? thats the big question....does it really just ruin your week...do you realize the effects but still cant do anything about it? Was it worse when you were younger....and have discovered with age that maybe you dont invest the emotional charge into the Dolphins as you used to? Maybe because Since Marino left, we really havent had anything to be excited about except 1 really great Ricky season?
I dont know, but I would sure hope at some degree inside your Aqua and Orange body, that MIAMI DOLPHINS FOOTBALL IS MORE THAN "JUST A GAME"

Well the poll didnt work...sorry here it is though.

How does a Miami Dolphin game, win or lose, affect your everday life?

1. Neither way, I just enjoy watching the game.
2. Usually takes me till Wednesday to feel better, then I can function.
3. It usually takes me till the kickoff of the next game, till I can function again.
4. I bleed Aqua and Orange, and I wont be right until we win again, my life is miserable.
On one hand it is just a game; that's what it is. That's why we call it a game.
On the other hand it is far more than a game in that it can change the whole soul of a city, a region, and especially an individual. And many of our players and coaches are in a very real way playing for their lives and the lives of their spouses and children. I base some very significant decisions on whats happening with the Dolphins. My time is my life, and if I spend it indulging my Dolphin passion, then I have invested my life in the games as well. It can defintely be huge, very huge. The Colts and Bears must LOSE!
It is just a game but when we lose of course im bummed for the week. I mean my friends hammer me cause they all like the cowboys or chargers and im the only dolphin fan so it makes it hard to forget about losing. I cant even talk smack when their team loses because we r just so bad. But that doesnt effect me im a Dolphins Fan Till I DIE!!!:dolphins:
I am passionate about football, I scream at the TV every time Daunte takes a sack, Cringe everytime Joey throws a pick, Cry everytime Chambers and McMike drop passes, Kick the cat when those dropped passes get picked off and just smash things in general when we lose. I consider it all a part of being a fan, if you dont have any emotion why even watch the game?

BTW Wheres the poll :confused:
Sucks when they lose, but they are clearly some people on here that ought to think about seeing a therapist before they watch another Dolphins game. The emotional swings I see are downright scary
I am in a bad mood for about an hour after the game. I am one of those that thinks we will win every game. So I guess I set myself up to be let down. Luckily I have kids, so they remind me there is more to life. I must admit though, that after losing 6 games this season, the time period in which it takes me to get over the losses is getting less and less.
I stay mad for the rest of the day if the Phins play bad. If they lose but still play good I'm ok with it. I have however, found myself laughing more and more at our playing. Guess it's better than screaming at the tv.
I wish it was just a game to me, but it isn't. I'm not disagreeing with you or infinsible, I just can't downplay it when it really does mean the world to me.
That's a very interesting spin, and I would have to say that I agree to some degree with both viewpoints. The fact that I have a wife and children helps keep me grounded and keeps things in perspective, but I still have quite an emotional ebb and flow contingent on the outcome of our games. The thing that effects me most is that I can't trash-talk at my local sportsbar. As I left last week with my head hanging low after the loss to Green Bay I got the backhanded compliment, "At least you won't lose next week because you a bye!" :fire::fire::fire::tantrum:
i have broken more than a few remotes in my time
watching the finz.

i used to brood through the week, but i havnt done that
in years.

not that i dont care, but this team has been a loser for so long
i am getting used to it. and , remotes are much more spendy
than they used to be!!!

it is true, teams that lose take on a losing mentality, they expect
to lose. and same goes with the fans. after while, you just start
expecting it, ecpecially when your team becomes a broken record.

sometimes it seems like i am watching the same game over and over
and over. and i know what the outcome is going to be because i
have seen it so many times.

but, it has NEVER interfeared with my life. wizzed off the the wife
a few times beeing moody and angry during a game or right after
but didnt miss work or kick the dog or become suicidal.

however, nick saban is testing my resolve in a big way!!


they sell broken merchandise and give no refunds.
Well for me it is #4.It never FEELS right until we win,but my life is far from miserable.My family is always priority and the Dolphins are my hobby.Yes it hurts to lose like we have the last 3 years.I believe it will get turned around sooner than later.Always have faith when your team is down.
If its a game I figured we would lose it dosn't both me. If its a game I figured we should win i'm usually hot:fire: until monday night football. I planned on play offs this year.:tantrum:

I hate to lose a game on the finally drive and see the defense giving up chunks of yards.
..First off let me say that NOBODY has a right to tell you how to feel...How you put your priorities is your buisness!

..I really get upset about the Dolphins losses..it certainly ruins my Sunday....For me being a Buckeye fan really salvages my autumn....I still never miss a game, I goto the local sportsbar every Sunday to support my Fins.....
Baseball, hockey, soccer those are games Football is different. I wait all year for these 16 games and to watch your team be out of it in week 7 is crushing.
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