Tired of waiting | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Tired of waiting


FinHeaven VIP
Club Member
Feb 24, 2005
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I am so tired of waiting for KC to trade for Surtain. It would make my day if someone like Arizona ( they want a cornerback) would sneak in and trade for Surtain and leave KC holding the bag. Maybe a miracle will happen and Surtain will redo his contract and we could afford to keep him.
I think it is pretty much set in stone that the Surtain trade will be a draft day trade. So, only 8 days of suffering left. :goof:
Nublar7 said:
I think it is pretty much set in stone that the Surtain trade will be a draft day trade. So, only 8 days of suffering left. :goof:

true dat
I agree with all of the above, I am tired of trade scenarios and I think the Surtain trade will happen on draft day.
There has been no news in like forever. I cant wait until the draft because that prob is when the trade will happen.
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