To All The Members Down South, Stay Safe With That Storm | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

To All The Members Down South, Stay Safe With That Storm


Finheaven VIP
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Apr 17, 2003
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I know this storm is supposed to go west of the coast line(I'm right by Disney)but I can see south Florida will get lots of rain so I just wanted to say you guys are on my thoughts. I know this is not Dolphins related but it can be members related. Way too early to be getting a storm already. I hope is not a sign to come for this hurricane season.
I’m in the panhandle area, and I’m excited about it! Shouldn’t be too bad but I guess you never know. Crazy indeed that we got one this early
I’m in the panhandle area, and I’m excited about it! Shouldn’t be too bad but I guess you never know. Crazy indeed that we got one this early
you guys get your share up there for sure. My sister's brother in law lives up there so I know all about it
Thanks, I'm west of Fort Lauderdale and my lake is really creeping up already.
I'm about 20 mins from the stadium and it's been raining non-stop for almost 2 weeks now. It's absolutely ridiculous
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