to many penalties!!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

to many penalties!!!

5 FALSE START PENALTIES SO FAR! It's only the beginning of the 2nd quarter! We need to change something, soon.
Tell me about it. I'm sure Nick will have a word or two for them at the half if you catch my drift.
These guys must be nervous as hell to NOT make a mistake and will eventually settle down. There is no way in hell that they are THAT inept.
finsgonewild said:
we cant be making these stupid errors

exactly, and we have 3 holding calls, with out these penalties i believe we could have a touchdown
PALMA said:
These guys must be nervous as hell to NOT make a mistake and will eventually settle down. There is no way in hell that they are THAT inept.

We'll see..
MiamiFan1354 said:
Someone's gettin cut..

you may be right, so far nobody has two, but I can see him getting tired of it...I am. These are freakin college educated millionares who cannot remember a single digit for twenty seconds ..sad
another stupid penalty this time by jason taylor!!! Lucky that didnt cost us a toachdown
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