just checked on nbc.com... it wasn't a re-air... and he calls out Peyton manning in the last sketch geeeezzzz... I really hope he doesn't win this one. There's just nothing to like about those *******s, nothing, and i'm not saying it cause i'm a dolfan, i'm a football fan, and this whole team is just getting more and more outrageous
good thing i didnt watch the whole show, cause i would prolly be fuming right now
I think it may have been a re-air of episode 582 from April 16, 2005. From what I can find online that was the last time he hosted. Plus the show is on a writers strike and hasn't had a new episode since November of last year.
i know, it doesn't make any sense, but i caught like the last 5 minutes, so I had no clue about the time or the date, and my TV guide didn't speicfy if it was a re-air... since no media is talking about it , it must be a re-air, but i was really starting to wonder
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