tommrows game | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

tommrows game


Seasoned Veteran
Oct 8, 2006
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ive heard allot of talk from a bunch of my dolfans that they aren’t going to the game they trying to get rid of there tickets it angers me so much that you will let 10000 jets fans in the game I know most dolfans on this forum will be there but get all your friends to go......o and for all you jet fans that are bragging how many of you supposed new Yorkers will be there if ny is so great then go back
You will run into a lot of people from New England who have moved to Florida...but hardly ever the other way around.

...gee, I wonder why that is.
Well, forget those people who are bandwagoners, I'll be there with 6 of my brothers, all together I'm going with a crowd of 20 people, all Dolphans. Are section is gonna be rockin loud as hell, booing the jets and cheering the Dolphins baby.
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