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Top 10 Free Agents


Still Perfect.. and You're Not.
Mar 13, 2006
Reaction score
Baltimore MD/ Miami, Flor
1)Dwight Freeney DE Colts
2) Lance Briggs LB Bears
3) Adalius Thomas LB Ravens
4) Nate Clements CB Bills
5) Asante Samuel CB Patriots
6) Kris Dielman G Chargers
7) justin Smith DE Bengals
8) Eric Steinbach G Bengals
9) Cato June LB Colts
10) Ahman Green RB Packers
If we wind up with just one Cb Lb or G I would be happy these aside from green will want Big $
Freeney, Briggs, Samuel, and Green will be resigned.
I dont know about Samuel Bob Kraft is one of the most frugal owners and his philosphy has always been to build through the draft or retread players.
freeney is overrated and we could use a LB CB or OL
freeney is definately not overrated...hes not jason taylor but he is like him in a lot of his play style...I would take freeney lining up oppiste JT any day (who does the oline actually double team in that case?)
Maybe we'll get Dielman due to previous relationship with Houck and Cam. I hope to see Samuel, Steinbach, possibly Thomas or Briggs.
i like briggs samuel and Dielman or Steinbach......that would be great....we finally need to get the big names to come down here again and have a sloid draft
1)Dwight Freeney DE Colts
2) Lance Briggs LB Bears
3) Adalius Thomas LB Ravens
4) Nate Clements CB Bills
5) Asante Samuel CB Patriots
6) Kris Dielman G Chargers
7) justin Smith DE Bengals
8) Eric Steinbach G Bengals
9) Cato June LB Colts
10) Ahman Green RB Packers

In fantasy we get all of them and have an entire new team, but in reality we would at best get two three would be a gold mine.

Best Shot (Players I dont believe the team would franchise increasing our chances)

Kris Dielman G
Najeh Davenport (I know he is not on this list but he is a very dependable back can block, catch, and run) only set back was last year injury will w/GB
Eric Steinbeck G

Players we could get but dont need (wasted money)
Cato June LB
Ahmed Green RB
Justin Smith DE

Players that our wallet cant reach
Clement CB
Freeney DE
Briggs LB

Players we should give it a roll (hoping the team doesnt franchise them)
Samual CB
A. Thomas LB

So if all works well we would have
Samuel CB (replace Daniels as starter)
A. Thomas (replace Spragan)
Dielman or Steinbech (replace Jeno James--whom ever Cam prefers)
Davenport (replace Barnes---he is a serious Running threat vs Barnes and has good hand remember his days w/GB and definitely da U.)
No WR (Class weak) note: I exclude QB b/c I will leave that to the coach that is is specialty, but a nice veteran Backup (Huard/Garcia would be a step above Harrington who loose his confidence to quickly)

Thats my 2 cents
If we get one of the guards we will be lucky, Dielman makes the most sense because of past ties with Cam. The CBs will be too expensive and the LBs may be too. A. Thomas will be franchised but if we could get him he would be the best fit, Capers would have a lot of options with him on the field.
Freeney, Briggs, Samuel, and Green will be resigned.
Briggs wants to leave, and is rumored to want to come to miami!

Samuel will want big money for having the most ints in the nfl this year with 10.....the patriots dont pay any one big money not even Brady.....Samuel's gone...ill put money on it!!
1)Dwight Freeney DE Colts
2) Lance Briggs LB Bears
3) Adalius Thomas LB Ravens
4) Nate Clements CB Bills
5) Asante Samuel CB Patriots
6) Kris Dielman G Chargers
7) justin Smith DE Bengals
8) Eric Steinbach G Bengals
9) Cato June LB Colts
10) Ahman Green RB Packers

In fantasy we get all of them and have an entire new team, but in reality we would at best get two three would be a gold mine.

Best Shot (Players I dont believe the team would franchise increasing our chances)

Kris Dielman G
Najeh Davenport (I know he is not on this list but he is a very dependable back can block, catch, and run) only set back was last year injury will w/GB
Eric Steinbeck G

Players we could get but dont need (wasted money)
Cato June LB
Ahmed Green RB
Justin Smith DE

Players that our wallet cant reach
Clement CB
Freeney DE
Briggs LB

Players we should give it a roll (hoping the team doesnt franchise them)
Samual CB
A. Thomas LB

So if all works well we would have
Samuel CB (replace Daniels as starter)
A. Thomas (replace Spragan)
Dielman or Steinbech (replace Jeno James--whom ever Cam prefers)
Davenport (replace Barnes---he is a serious Running threat vs Barnes and has good hand remember his days w/GB and definitely da U.)
No WR (Class weak) note: I exclude QB b/c I will leave that to the coach that is is specialty, but a nice veteran Backup (Huard/Garcia would be a step above Harrington who loose his confidence to quickly)

Thats my 2 cents
Freeny will be franchised!!!!

Daunte Stallworth!
1)Dwight Freeney DE Colts
2) Lance Briggs LB Bears will be franchised
3) Adalius Thomas LB Ravens will be franchised
4) Nate Clements CB Bills may be franchised
5) Asante Samuel CB Patriots will sign w/ Browns
6) Kris Dielman G Chargers
7) justin Smith DE Bengals
8) Eric Steinbach G Bengals
9) Cato June LB Colts
10) Ahman Green RB Packers
1)Dwight Freeney DE Colts
2) Lance Briggs LB Bears
3) Adalius Thomas LB Ravens
4) Nate Clements CB Bills
5) Asante Samuel CB Patriots
6) Kris Dielman G Chargers
7) justin Smith DE Bengals
8) Eric Steinbach G Bengals
9) Cato June LB Colts
10) Ahman Green RB Packers

Here is how I would like it to shake out. This is realistically, based on need and COST. My 1st choice would be Samuel. Followed by Dielman or Steinbach, and then June. Then we could draft WR #1, and get a QB in the 2nd-4th area.
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