Training camp updates - 2nd August | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Training camp updates - 2nd August

@OmarKelly: Davon Godchaux draws a holding call on a starter. Couldn't see if it was Larsen or Steen, who is handling starting center for this series.
@OmarKelly: The Dolphins are diversifying how they use the receivers. You won't always find Jarvis Landry in the slot. And Julius Thomas is wide A LOT.
@LuisDSung: Drake getting some starter snaps. Fights through for a few yards before whistle blows when Michael Thomas gets his hands on him
@OmarKelly: Matt Moore is getting reps with the starters. First time all camp.
@LuisDSung: Moore in, Tunsil still at LT, Kiko fights his way through the O-line and gets a would be sack on Moore
@OmarKelly: Matt Moore misfires on a floater in the back of end zone to an open Jarvis Landry. Red zone drill fails
@LuisDSung: Doughty floated one up and Alterraun Verner almost came down with the one handed interception. Fell out.
@LuisDSung: Doughty hits Carroo over the middle and he stiff arms his defender. Then Tannehill comes over to day something to the scout team.
@LuisDSung: Doughty steps up and decides to take off down the middle. Would've been in the endzone but flags were thrown.
Thoughts for the season- can the Dolphins finally execute effective screens?

Screens are constraint plays and are only effective when the situation presents itself by the defense. We need to stop using them as a part of the gameplan and only call for them when the defense cheats in other areas that open up the screen game.
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