Tressel - A little dose of perspective | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Tressel - A little dose of perspective


Calmrage A.K.A. Jay Lawrence
Aug 5, 2004
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Cape Coral, FL
A GREAT football coach lost his job, at worst, over not reporting to the NCAA an email he received that alleged some of his players sold their own property, which violated a NCAA rule. Everyone outside of Buckeye Nation rejoices and wants nothing more than to watch this man fall.

A decent former President's semen is found on some young interns dress and he lies directly to a Federal Grand Jury about it. He get's a pass from at least 50% of the population

I'm not saying the former President should or shouldn't have lost his job but, isn't there SOMETHING wrong here?
Didn't he resign? Isn't that different then be fired?

Yes... the difference is Ohio St. doesn't have to pay the remainder of his contract if he resigns. They can just give him some sort of severance package...

The reason Tressel wasn't fired is because the athletic director and University President, are just as culpable in all this as Jim Tressel is. Anyone that thinks these higher ups were oblivious to all that's been going on a OSU over the past decade, and that Jim Tressel stood there and told lie after lie after lie to the NCAA and acted alone in this scandal is simply naive.

Their jobs are subject to be next..

The BOT's decided to act, which is why Jim Tressel resigned. I guarantee that a booster was fixing to cut off Ohio St., which forced the Board of Trustees to take action. They can't fire Tressel, only the athletic director can do that, but they can force him to resign.
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