TSN's Dolphin's Report | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

TSN's Dolphin's Report


Bringin' it!
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
This is very short and will take like a minute to read........

Dolphins Team Report
Aug. 8, 2003

Here's a snippet........


SS Sammy Knight has moved past Arturo Freeman, settling the biggest camp battle. Knight has terrific ball skills and can make a difference in the middle. He has spent extra time viewing tape, going over calls and adjustments, which has helped his learning process. Freeman hasn't played poorly, but he's not as reliable. He will have to become a major special teams player and will work as a backup corner in dime and nickel packages.

The link:
WR Sam Simmons, who spent last season on the practice squad, has really come on. He is working the slot and has caught every pass thrown to him. Working against CBs Surtain and Sam Madison has helped Ward become a player.

WARD?????? :lol:
Hey Ward was doing well yesterday against the Giants :lol:
Yeah, what was with the G-men? I hope they suck really bad because the Pats (esp their rookie corners) looked better than I expected...

Freakin Ward! :yell: I hate it when ex-fins do well! (Well except for Vincent...I love that man.
Well..Collins did mis throw quite a few balls in that game (from what I saw)..
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