Tuesday 8/03/04 TC Report-Morning Session | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Tuesday 8/03/04 TC Report-Morning Session

Awesome report. Even in the rain you went out of your way to get us the scoop. I wish the weather would subside so they can make the most of their practices. It gives them the edge in the florida weather but four days of practicing in the rain is a bit too much.

Did CC run out of stickum? :) Sounds like our ofense is getting some attitiude. About time. Even with Smokedog running the ball we really didn't have any 'tude on O!

I think the ball was just really wet and he wasn't used to it...I'll get over it. That last catch he made was good enough for a whole day's worth of grabs.
Finsflurry said:
The o-line played well today. They opened up a few very nice holes and also pass protected pretty well. They're progressing.
I got chills! :cool:

Finsflurry said:
The qb battle I'd have to give to AJ for the third straight day. He was more consistent and accurate than Jay, he seems to be making a strong push for the job. He's in the drills a lot earlier than he was before and he even started off one drill first, which I haven't seen before. If he keeps this up I don't see how they can justify not giving him the job.
I got a big :D then I got more chills! :)

Great report....

I like the fact that everyone (except us true fans) are counting us out this year. It seems from the reports, and with the FO not really pursueing anymore players (i.e. RB, O-Line), maybe the guys we have are pretty dang good.
Awesome report Finsflurry. Keep up the great work. It's appreciated!
go konrad!

Finsflurry said:
Rob Konrad with a big run, he lined up at hb and, burst through for 6 yards, dragged Mallard for 4 yds, then spiked the ball....LOL calm down Rob<<<

i hope he gets some action this season. talented, talented talented. and mro than that, hes always excited about the game.

Great report!...Keep up the good work...I'm concerned about all the dropped passes by Chambers...was it all weather related? Didn't sound like anyone else had any problems! Thanks again.
big_md_dolphan said:
Great report!...Keep up the good work...I'm concerned about all the dropped passes by Chambers...was it all weather related? Didn't sound like anyone else had any problems! Thanks again.

He had a lot of catches too...I just think it was a combination of a wet ball and him taking his eyes off it for a second, a couple times there was a CB about to nail him.
Thanks Fin FLurry. I saw on NFL Total Access last night at the end of the show during the 4 Downs segment Sam Garnes was the guest and Rich Eisen asked him who was the toughest rookie WR he ever faced and he said hands down David Boston. He said that if he could return to form that would be an AWESOME thing for us. For those of you that don't know Sam Garnes was a safety for the jets last year.
Was at the morning session as well, pretty accurate report with the exception that Larry Chester did not practice, it was Zgonina and Romero starting in the middle. Also it was Bobby Sippio and DB going at it a bit not Eddie Moore, but as flurry mentioned nothing serious at all. I did not think either QB stood out, and Jay actually may have had the better of it in the 7-7 if not for the drops that flurry mentioned. A couple of the drops he mentions especially when AJ ran the first group the second time around in the scrimmage, were not great throws especially the one to Chambers it was a ball that went threw the hands of Arturo Freeman(who was all over the place today) before getting into Chris' chest.

I do agree that the OL was very impressive today, especially Vernon Carey IMO. St Clair did begin the running sessions and the full 11-11 as a starter but was replaced on both occasions after the 3rd play. Vernon was the one who sprung Rob on that TD run to end the drill. Hadnot, Yates, and Whitley dominated the second group at DL(even though its really the 3rd team) and were receiveing constant praise from DW and T Wise.

Will Poole prob had the highlight of the day, along with the Chambers catch, with a smack of T Minor towards the end of the starters 11-11 drill.
This was the first training camp for me this year and I was even surprised they came out because of the rain.. The O-Line looked very good and some runs were breaking loose for some positive yardage. I saw Morris and I thought wow.. he's got some talent. As far as AJ/Jay... I saw AJ struggle a bit so I would have to agree with fins2923.. He was making some bad throws into double coverage while Jay was making very smart throws.. for the most part. I'm really excited about Morris though! Overall, a good day for the Oline.. CC needs to stop dropping passes! I actually have a lot of the plays on video/pictures and I'll post it as soon as I upload them somewhere so everyone can see if your unable to get to Davie.
Did CC miss the balls because 1) rainy wet ball 2) new QB in AJ or 3) just a bad day?

Either way, great report and nice to see some progress. I do seem to like the Morris kid more and more. I don't think we need to get [RB] anyone. Deal with it next year.
Haven't heard Yeremiah Bell's name too much (actually not at all)! How is he doing, as a Phins fan I've got high hopes for him.
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