Unable To Change My Avatar | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Unable To Change My Avatar


FinHeaven VIP
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
I tried to change my avatar back to one I had used in the past and was unable to. No matter what avatar I tried to change to I was not able to make the change. All of these were accepted in the past.:goof:
What is the URL of the image. I will change it for you. As long as your new avatar model is as cute as the one you have now, there should be no problem
Size is 110x128 3.84k

url.... http://moon.lbbhost.com/sigs/ratfink.jpg

Why am I unable to change it? I haven't had any problems before.

Because the images are hosted on a sub-domain. When the files were moved onto the new server, the subdomain was not activated. Until it is, I won't be able to change your avatar either.

Give us a day or so then try again.
Because the images are hosted on a sub-domain. When the files were moved onto the new server, the subdomain was not activated. Until it is, I won't be able to change your avatar either.

Give us a day or so then try again.

No problem.. Thanks for the info. :cooldude:
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