Update:Pete Carroll | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Update:Pete Carroll

From Yahoo.com and www.wearesc.com and www.thesportingnews.com

"Asked if he had closed the door on the possibility of becoming the Miami Dolphins' coach, Carroll said, "Yeah. I thought I said that yesterday. ... I'm not wavering."

If Wayne Huizenga wants him he will waiver :lol: but of course he's going to say he won't for the time being because the man still has a job to do and hasn't yet been offered another.
He can't burn any bridges right now because he hasn't been offered the job. Once we start offering, then we'll see where his loyalties lie. For the record, he's not my 1st choice.
I hope so. I'll never forgive him for the choke sign he gave us when he was with the jets.
I'm glad to hear it. I don't want him coaching the Dolphins. AND he has a good thing going in college. He needs to stay there.
In light of the Saban debacle Carroll won't sit there and say he's not going and still entertain the idea of becoming the Dolphins HC.
I have always hated him for the choke sign so I hope we hire him so we can fire him!
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