VIP membership! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

VIP membership!

SR 7

☠️ Banned ☠️
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
hey vip is 36 bucks? i thoguht it was 20!! yowzers i was going to sign up but if its 36 thats too much.
$36 is a great deal....check out the cool hat you get (see pic below), and a FH aqua terrible towel and a nice schedule poster.....

PLUS you can read some real insightful stuff instead of the trade Ronnie Brown or trade Zach posts that make you want to :barf:
and you help keep the FH site the best around.
Did it used to be $24?

I want to become a V.I.P pretty soon I'm saving some money :D (I don't have a damn job :lol:)
36 is 2 much or else im down.
ya but to get hte same info as other parts of the forum it is. loll
Hey, it ain't for everybody. And we're not offering it with "everybody" in mind.

We don't mind if some consider it too expensive.
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