Vontae Davis has passed away | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Vontae Davis has passed away


Just don't blow it!
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score

O damn, this isn't an April Fools.

Hmmmm ok. Only thing I’ll add is that I believe Vernon and Vontae have a brother who is in jail for murder, IIRC.

I thought Vontae was pretty good though.

Edit: Oh damn, didn’t realize it was about Vontae. RIP VD. He seemed like a happy guy. Superb athlete.
This is terrible. Say what you want about his play but he was a guest at my place of business several times and was nothing but the nicest whenever he was in. Always felt bad that people poked fun at a guy who had some issues. Rip Vontae.
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