Wannstadt/ Ricky | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Wannstadt/ Ricky


Go Giants
Mar 12, 2005
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Sorry for another thread. We now know that Ricky retired because Wanny was overusing him. But I wonder If Wanny was the original reason he started smoking pot? Just a thought.
b_hjelmeland123 said:
Sorry for another thread. We now know that Ricky retired because Wanny was overusing him. But I wonder If Wanny was the original reason he started smoking pot? Just a thought.

No. Ricky was on the field when he wanted to be on the field. Wannstedt had no problem putting somebody else in on third downs or long yardage situations. Wannstedt had little, if anything, to do with Ricky smoking pot.
No.... I really don't think Wanny had any connection to Ricky smoking. Ricky's idol was Bob Marley... he said it helped him with his Social Anxiety Disorder... and it seems like he did for recreational use as well. Not becasue of Wanny.
funny thought, but no way in hell, hes been smoking pot since his teenage years I guarantee it
Well Wanny sure didn't help him want to get off it. He needed, something for doing all that work.
Yes Wanny is responsible for Ricky smoking weed, he's also responsible for world hunger...the national deficit...North Korea's nukes...Paris Hilton's "career"...and he's the reason I hurt my knee the other day. :shakeno:
painnotpleasure said:
No.... I really don't think Wanny had any connection to Ricky smoking. Ricky's idol was Bob Marley... he said it helped him with his Social Anxiety Disorder... and it seems like he did for recreational use as well. Not becasue of Wanny.

Agreed, Not to mention I suspected he was smoking after they showed his house on MTV cribs and they showed what he called the "Green" Room, which is where he said he would use to just sit and think.

I clicked right then and there but I was such a big fan of his that I was to blind to admit it. I just honeslty hope that he means what he says fromnow on.
Noodle Arm said:
Yes Wanny is responsible for Ricky smoking weed, he's also responsible for world hunger...the national deficit...North Korea's nukes...Paris Hilton's "career"...and he's the reason I hurt my knee the other day. :shakeno:

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Noodle Arm said:
Yes Wanny is responsible for Ricky smoking weed, he's also responsible for world hunger...the national deficit...North Korea's nukes...Paris Hilton's "career"...and he's the reason I hurt my knee the other day. :shakeno:
:spit::rofl4: :lolcry: :rofl4:
b_hjelmeland123 said:
Sorry for another thread. We now know that Ricky retired because Wanny was overusing him. But I wonder If Wanny was the original reason he started smoking pot? Just a thought.

We do? Just how do we know that? Because thats what Ricky said?
Do some research.
Ricky had the option to come out of games anytime he needed a breather. It was his call to make, so if he was overused, he has nobody to blame but himself. Ricky was not originally supposed to be in on 3rd downs. That was to be Travis Minor's job. Ricky specifically REQUESTED to be left in on 3rd downs.
Ricky stated numerous times that the more he carried the ball, the better he got.
Ricky only started claiming overuse when he needed an excuse to dodge responsibility.

Ricky smoked before Wanny, he apparently smoked during the Wanny era, and he continued to smoke after he retired.
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