Wannstedt, Pitt stumble to 0-3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Wannstedt, Pitt stumble to 0-3


Practice Squad
Sep 8, 2004
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:rofl: :groucho: :laughat: :sidelol: :lolcry: :bry: :roflmao: :www: :couch2: :mrt:
He's on his way to getting fired from yet another head coaching job (Bears, forced out by Phins, and now Pitt). Maybe he should stick being a defensive coordinator.
did you see the holder get hit in the head with the ball? :shakeno: heads up play by the kicker to get another shot, not that it mattered. I was amazed that the game was even that close.
Wow! Dave is now a PROVEN terrible coach. This guy doesn't realize that his philosophy doesn't work at any level??? Anything he touches turns to sh*t!
its time for him to recognize that the only thing he knows is defense and should just be a DC somewhere
I am appalled how in sports for being a non-productive player/coach you can still go out and get lots of $ and starting jobs elsewhere. After running two franchises into the ground I thought this guy shouldn't have been offered a job anywhere in the country xcept high school or pop warner.
The losing tradition continues!!:lol: I don't even think he should be a D-coordinator. Maybe special olympics coach...:D
One has to ask how long this guy can ride on the coattails of those Dallas Super Bowls. I would think the near destruction of two NFL franchises, and the ongoing demolition of a big time college program would do it. I feel no pity for him and wish him nothing but the worst in the coaching arena.
Phinfanatic84 said:
He's on his way to getting fired from yet another head coaching job (Bears, forced out by Phins, and now Pitt). Maybe he should stick being a defensive coordinator.
Maybe he should just quit coaching all together and stop stealing money from people. He's an incompitent fool and a poster boy for this good ol boy network where people are hired for who and not what they know.
Guys, guys, Im sure Wanny will be a great coach somewhere...

on a high school team! And if he fails there, there's always Pop Warner. :goof:
phinman1 said:
I feel no pity for him and wish him nothing but the worst in the coaching arena.

Ditto man...freaking DITTO!! I HATE that f*ck more than FEEFEE himself!! He's a walking train wreck!!
Well, if Wannstedt is 0-4 after this week he'll most likely be fired. They're playing YOUNGSTOWN STATE for hell's sake.
Well, as a long time Dolphin fan, it almost pains me trying to defend this guy and bring some kind of justification to Pitt's 0-3 start. Pitt IS the youngest team in college football though, I think that is reflected somewhere in there horrible record (or it should be, anyway). Wanny is just a poor coach, in my opinion. The Pitt fans were actually EXCITED to be getting this guy to come in to lead their program. Wannstedt even looked rejuvenated, glowing with a passion for football that Miami fans hadn't seen in years. And now what? Same Dave, same gameplan, same outcome. I can't help but laugh at this nitwit trying to dig himself out of an 0-3 hole.

If they lose this weekend, he's the worst coach in the nation. EASILY.
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