Wannstedt's job | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Wannstedt's job

The Bopkin

Seasoned Veteran
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Feb 25, 2003
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Several interesting thoughts have come to mind regarding Wannstedt in light of the Ricky Williams retirement.
Does this disaster buy Wannstedt more seasons if he reaches say 9-7 and gets a Wild Card(and loses)? Losing a player the caliber of RW certainly hamstrings a guy with Super Bowl or bust hanging over his head.
Or if Miami misses the playoffs altogether is Wannstedt still finished?

I know a lot of people are bummed about this, but remember in 2000 Wannstedt led this team to a playoff victory with much less offensive talent(and arguably less defensive talent) than is in the fold now. I guess we're going to see how this man handles this disaster.
I know how most people want Wannstedt gone, but if he is able to lead this team after this off-season into the playoffs, would that change anyone's mind about him, even if it's only into the Wild Card round?
Just curious.
Good question, I think with what has happened, if he can get over .500 he should get another shot. If he gets us to the play offs, then he earns some respect.
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