Was our 1st round pick a bust? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Was our 1st round pick a bust?

Were you happy with our 1st round picks performance this year?

  • Yeah he did okay, will be better next year

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • No, next time get an offensive player (QB)

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters


Crank Yanker
Sep 4, 2001
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Inside your head
What do ya think? When it comes to Miami rookie of the year honors, Jamar Fletcher isn't even mentioned. Hasn't had much of a year. It's the last game of the regular season, and at this point are you happy with the 1st round choice?:cool:
I about had a baby when they announced fletcher,but he has some major competition with our corners.We needed a RB I thought but I am sure thrilled to see Chambers paying off............:)
We never needed a CB. It was the position that we needed the least help. It was a dumb selection and I have no idea why they drafted him. I hope they draft an OL in the next draft in the first round, I really want Toniu Fonoti from Nebraska, I really hate Nebraska and the Canes just killed them:) but he is a great OL.
I'm not sure if we needed a cb in the first round but they needed to address the nickel cb position! The Jets were spreading the Phins out and Jerry Wilson couldn't cover Chrebet! Chrebet owned Wilson! The Dolphins didn't know they would land Terry Cousin in free agency and he has been a pleasant surprise! If they didn't get Cousin, Fletcher would be getting more playing time. Fletcher was definately a 1st round caliber pick. He was the Jim Thorpe award winner in 2000 and had over 21 picks in college, including 6 returned for touchdowns!! Fletcher is a nice safety valve to have coming off the bench! I think he will be a good one!
Gotta agree with phinmaster, fletcher was worth the pick. We got the WR and RB we needed and we have a second year player to take over when Cousin is gone through free agency next year. I'm sure Fletcher would have been able to play in our defensive backfield had he been needed, but Cousin gave us the luxury to bring him along slower. Next year when it is time for him to step in, we'll all be glad he had a year to acclimate himself to the NFL.
As far as offense or defense in next years draft, I say both. I wouldn't be upset if we went O-line or D-line with every single pick. That's obviously where we need the influx of new blood.
He will become better. It is just that his position is really hard.
with gardener having surgery every other week and jason taylor not having any help with the pass rush and the minimal holes the running game has to work with i hope they go with a DE/DT which ever one has the better player and then go with an OL and then a few more DL and OL and maybe throw in there a TE, SS, QB and i will be very pleased.
by the way when are the dolphins going to start picking good players in the first 2 rounds? We could have easily ended up with Randy moss who has alot of talent(when he wants to) and instead we get jon avery good call! and last year i didnt mind picking the db but for goodness sakes fred smoot had the most talent in the draft for a CB and he fit the dolphins man coverage perfectly. whats the deal
yeah but miami had either the 21 or 19 pick i cant remeber and around pick 15 jimmy thought that they didnt have a chance at moss so he traded down to the 31 spot for an extra pick in a later round!
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