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Watching The Loser's

Dead Fish Stink

Practice Squad
Jan 9, 2002
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Well this will be comical,
the NFL's version of the Keystone Cop's,what a joke.
One team (the ratbirds)are not even a playoff team,the SeaHock's would have kicked your butt's.And you Fin's,with your history the last few year's in the first rd.Well let's just say you won't have to worry about 30 point's scored agaisnt you in the first quarter this year!:monkey:

First of all we've already beaten the Seahawks this year.
You guys only played 3 teams .500 or above. We played 8.
You guys aren't as good as your record. You'll probably lose to the Pats in the AFC Championship.
Well I was referring to the Sea Hocks beating the ratbird's,but the way I wrote it ,my bad.
There are alot of reasons the win lose record dosent hold up.
1.)Our Div. has the most of anyother !
2.)I'm sure you'll agree interdivision games are differant than outside!
3.)And to give relevance to my rambling's is that there is no denying the AFC CENTRAL is the toughest div. in football.Look at the superbowls and afc champions the last few years.Always an AFC CENTRAL REP.!!!!
Well both teams are obviously good enough to get your attention 2 to 3 weeks before you play either 1 of them. Do you know when the last #1 seed in the afc went to the super bowl was? I think the #4 has gone 3 out of the last 4 years.
Man, I can't go anywhere without these obnoxious Squealer fans invading. The Steelers will be upset, hopefully it'll be by us. If not, then by the Pats, Fins, Jets, Raiders. They ain't gonna get that far though.
That's right ratdog,BE AFRAID BE VERY AFRAID!!!
You know you dont want to get your a..'.. handed to ya again!!!
And as far as getting my attention there DEJAVU or whatever,it's the playoff's ,theres no one else to watch!!! Good Grief
Steeler moron

I guarantee you will lose in the first round of the playoffs. AFC Central sucks. Granted the Ravens play last year in the playoffs, you shouldn't be so insecure about your division that you have to rely on that. Your division is weak! You all play amongst yourselves. You guys are a fair team.. . Just like Kordell Stewart, who WILL choke in your first playoff game. I just hope it's us whoopin' your asses in the first round.

Whatever Dolphin fan said it will be the Patriots beating the Steelers in the AFC Championship game forgot about one Little Dolphins get a grip
Originally posted by Dead Fish Stink
.And you Fin's,with your history the last few year's in the first rd.

Our history the last few year's in the first rd. is 3-0. It's the second round we've been having problems with, but I guess you wouldn't know that since you team didn't make the playoffs and football wasn't worth watching during that time.:lol: :lol: :lol:

Who cares about who was the AFC Super Bowl rep. the last few years, it wasn't the Steelers. So that only proves there is one solid team that comes out of your division. Which division produces the most playoff teams in the AFC year after year. THE AFC EAST. There are ususally three teams that qualify for the playoffs every year out of the AFC East, that's what makes a division tough.
Moronic Squealer Fans

This moronic Squealer fan looks like one of the idiots who post drivel on our board (

They are like the stupid sportswriter in everyone's town that spews drivel in their column towards the hometeam.

The only reason they come to other boards is because theors suck so much. I'm here because MY TEAM IS ACTUALLY PLAYING THE DOLPHINS THIS WEEK.

Squealer fan has no clue.
Re: Moronic Squealer Fans

Originally posted by ravensjeff
This moronic Squealer fan looks like one of the idiots who post drivel on our board (

They are like the stupid sportswriter in everyone's town that spews drivel in their column towards the hometeam.

The only reason they come to other boards is because theors suck so much. I'm here because MY TEAM IS ACTUALLY PLAYING THE DOLPHINS THIS WEEK.

Squealer fan has no clue.

This is also the kid who on the Jets board claimed to have started the 911 fireman's fund after 9/11 !!!

He is a loser !!! Fish fans: from a rival Jets fan do not even acknowledge this person :fire: :yell:
No I did'nt say I started the Fireman's Fund!!
What I said was that I started a Fireman's Fund in our community and I did.Then we sent the money to the NYC Fireman's and Police Emergency Fund!!
Don't lie about people helping people and trying to start hatred
shank 306,get your fact's staight liar liar pant's on fire!!!

My bad on the first rd.elimination's but the Fin's have choked in the playoff's.If they would have a least shown up for those game's I could'nt say choked,but they CHOKED!!!

As far as the rat's go they are not a playoff team,they got in by beating a third string QB barely!
I'll be suprised if half the rat ball player's are not in jail for drug's,wife beating,murder or who know's what else!!
FIN'S Win this one going away!!!
I know whos gonna beat the steelers!:D Kordell Stewart is!
he cant win big games:lol:
The STILLERS had one of the easiest schedules in the NFL!! They played absolutely no one!! That will bite them in ass!! The funny thing is, everyone is just penciling in the RAMS and STILLERS!! Why have the playoffs?? I can't stand Martz, and then you have KORDELL with that GROWTH on his face!! What the HELL is that?COWHER POWER THIS!!!!!
Originally posted by Dead Fish Stink
Watching The Loser's

Here is a very simple solution..If you don't want to watch the game..then change the channel :D :rolleyes: :p
Originally posted by Dead Fish Stink
No I did'nt say I started the Fireman's Fund!!
What I said was that I started a Fireman's Fund in our community and I did.Then we sent the money to the NYC Fireman's and Police Emergency Fund!!
Don't lie about people helping people and trying to start hatred
shank 306,get your fact's staight liar liar pant's on fire!!!

My bad on the first rd.elimination's but the Fin's have choked in the playoff's.If they would have a least shown up for those game's I could'nt say choked,but they CHOKED!!!

As far as the rat's go they are not a playoff team,they got in by beating a third string QB barely!
I'll be suprised if half the rat ball player's are not in jail for drug's,wife beating,murder or who know's what else!!
FIN'S Win this one going away!!!

While I will apologize for fireman's fund. (His very last post was clarifying that it was in his community.) Please read the post

Kordell canoot QB better than Testasuckie. On soothsayers message board. You will get an idea of the type of moron that this person is.
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