We may have lost.... but Cleo Lemon and Ronnie Brown still did good.... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

We may have lost.... but Cleo Lemon and Ronnie Brown still did good....


Chairman of the 'Owned! Awards' Commitee
Jul 4, 2005
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Lauderdale Lakes, FL
I know I'm stepping on bright spots, but I enjoyed the game. Cleo Lemon made a case to be re-signed (a Johnny Cochran case to be re-signed), and Ronnie Brown is now a 1,000 yard back. We may have lost, but for some reason... I'm optimistic about the future of the 'Phins. (And this is the realist side of me).
Yeah. Cleo has made a case to stay as a backup in Miami behind Culpepper. I think it will come down to what Joey expects from his salary. Miami SHOULD NOT pay Joey as a starter. If Joey doesn't take the pay cut, Cleo stays on to backup Culpepper. I will be interested to see how that plays out. Money will be the deciding factor.
It was exciting at the end of the game and yes, Ronnie is a very good runner. We are going to have a darn good backfield next year. I agree with mcteems, Pep will be our starter and Lemon should be the backup next year.
i dont think thats a question. joey stated many times he loves being in miami, even if its a backup role. im sure joey will be a backup here for A LONG TIME. fact is...Cleo looked like a starting caliber QB today...I THINK at least.

so we have 3 QBs who are capable of starting and playing well....i think we're set at QB. we just need receivers who can catch balls and an O-line that can protect our QB.

possible...pick receivers in R1 and R2???
More and more I'm convinced we have the second worst offensive coordinator next to the Raiders
just some quotes from phil simms today who i have repect for,
'Cleo has a beautiful delivery"

" Cleo has amazing rythym,he's a player

anybody who bashes cleo in this thread can do so but your just admitting your lack of football IQ,THE KID PLAYED GREAT,his first start when the colts were playing for everything with that hostile crowd behind them,he showed great poise,a rocket for an arm and made good decisions with the ball by showing awareness and patience.

Congrats to Ronnie, although unspectacular, it's encouraging to see he got his 1,000 yards on the season. As for Lemon, I wasn't particularly impressed up until the final TD drive{which was due to a turnover}. He can battle for the #2 position as far as I'm concerned, but I wouldn't call him a lock at this stage either. That's just my opinion.....

I know I'm stepping on bright spots, but I enjoyed the game. Cleo Lemon made a case to be re-signed (a Johnny Cochran case to be re-signed), and Ronnie Brown is now a 1,000 yard back. We may have lost, but for some reason... I'm optimistic about the future of the 'Phins. (And this is the realist side of me).

Lemon proved to be worthy of a backup spot. But if he were our starter, it would be more of the same as the past 5-7 years.
I didn't see Cleo do anything worse than what Joey did. I thought he managed the clock pretty well under the circumstances. He's really a quick/slippery little guy and it's hard to get a helmet on him. How upset can anybody really be? The season was over before the game was played and despite that fact I thought the Dolphins had a decent game. We lost by five with our third string QB. What should they have done?
Ronnie looked great. We just need to acquire a backup to except for Ricky.

Lemon looked good enough to cause and open QB competition in QB camp. He had similar stats as Joey when Ronnie is a factor.
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