we need to keep Mueller | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

we need to keep Mueller


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Dec 31, 2006
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and give him unilateral control over player personnel
and give him unilateral control over player personnel

If Saban leaves, Mueller will have more control. No coach coming in will have the clout that Saban had to negotiate that kind of power, and I think Mueller will insist on it as a condition of his staying for the next coach.

What the heck has he ever done???

Clean house if Saban leaves...There are better gms out there than Randy Mueller...
What the heck has he ever done???

Clean house if Saban leaves...There are better gms out there than Randy Mueller...

Name one that the Dolphins can hire.....I mean RIGHT NOW ? Dude we lose Saban, Mueller and Capers -- 6 and 10 may look real good next year.
I've said for awhile...that this is a process for the

long haul anyhow...Rich McKay, Floyd Reese, Ron Wolf, Pioli, the garbage man down the street...honestly I don't much care for Mueller's body of work....

There is also a rumor that Phil Savage might be out of Cleveland...I'd have interest there too.
perhaps you should start another thread about firing Mueller so that we could hire rejects that might be available some year
maybe you should post more than 9 times...

before you talk smack that you can't back. Ask around...McKay, Reese, ....all of these guys are more highly regarded than your boy Mueller.
you're right, lets be without a GM because other teams have better ones... good thinking
before you talk smack that you can't back. Ask around...McKay, Reese, ....all of these guys are more highly regarded than your boy Mueller.

The number of posts someone has doesn't directly correlate to how qualified they are to talk about the fins...you don't know anything about the guy so u can disagree with what he says but don't use his number of posts as an argument...thats weak
we should cut our QB's cuz Brady might be a FA in 2012
long haul anyhow...Rich McKay, Floyd Reese, Ron Wolf, Pioli, the garbage man down the street...honestly I don't much care for Mueller's body of work....

There is also a rumor that Phil Savage might be out of Cleveland...I'd have interest there too.

First off Wolf is a joke now. He had his time - the fork should be firmly planted in him. Savage has done what? Cleveland is a worse mess than Miami. McKay - last I saw Atlanta had to fire their coach. Pioli is the only one on that list worth replacing Mueller for and he isn't going anywhere - especially not to a division rival. Mueller is a good talent evaluator. Miami just needs a good offensive coach. It would be interesting to see if Saban left what it would take to get SD's OC here to work with Houck again. Don't know much about him but he has down pretty good in SD with 2 different QB's. ALthough it does help to have the best RB on the planet.
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