Webster to Miami???? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Webster to Miami????


Practice Squad
Mar 16, 2005
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Before the 2005 draft, we'd heard that Tampa director of college scouting Ruston Webster planned to leave the Bucs and re-join former colleague Tim Ruskell, who runs the football operations in Seattle. We're now hearing that Webster could end up as the new G.M. in Miami. Per a league source, the Fins could be parting ways in the near future with G.M. Rick Spielman, and Webster's name is at the top of the list for potential replacements. If/when Spielman is given his walking papers, we'd hardly be surprised. The Nicktator is regarded as being just a tad on the paranoid side, and our guess is that he wants to clean out anyone who might be in position to question or undermine his authority as the man with the juice in Miami.Though we have no reason to think that Spielman would be anything other than a good soldier in the new regime, the fact remains that Spielman had much more power pre-Saban, and Saban (in our opinion) won't be fully comfortable until Spielman is working somewhere else. If Webster ends up as the G.M. in Miami, he'd be a G.M. not in the traditional sense (i.e., final say), but in the Charley Armey sense. It's also possible that Saban would give Webster a non-G.M. title, in order to remove any uncertainty as to who the emperor of the Fins really is.
I think speilman is good where he is at. You have to give speilman some credit for our recent draft as he is the next guy in charge after saban. I think they work well together and saban should keep him around.
Link please or is this your own post...and if so, where do you get your info from?
Spielman isn't as bad at scouting as he was as a GM. He's as good a director of scouting as you'll find.
The use of phrases like, "we'd heard that...", "per league sources...", "If/when..." can only mean it comes from the website that creates it's own sources/rumors/news, Pro Football Talk.

And if you've been to that site to browse I suggest a good delousing session at your local emergency room.
I wouldn't mind keeping Spielman around as a scout, but that's all. But then, he probably wouldn't want to stick around with a serious demotion.

BTW, does anyone else dig the name Nicktator? I think that's good stuff. The best football coaches have always been tyrants.
I think he should just sweep the pieces from the Wanny regime into the trash myself. But, if Spielman did have a input on this years draft, then maybe we should keep him.
miami_mi said:

Before the 2005 draft, we'd heard that Tampa director of college scouting Ruston Webster planned to leave the Bucs and re-join former colleague Tim Ruskell, who runs the football operations in Seattle. We're now hearing that Webster could end up as the new G.M. in Miami. Per a league source, the Fins could be parting ways in the near future with G.M. Rick Spielman, and Webster's name is at the top of the list for potential replacements. If/when Spielman is given his walking papers, we'd hardly be surprised. The Nicktator is regarded as being just a tad on the paranoid side, and our guess is that he wants to clean out anyone who might be in position to question or undermine his authority as the man with the juice in Miami.Though we have no reason to think that Spielman would be anything other than a good soldier in the new regime, the fact remains that Spielman had much more power pre-Saban, and Saban (in our opinion) won't be fully comfortable until Spielman is working somewhere else. If Webster ends up as the G.M. in Miami, he'd be a G.M. not in the traditional sense (i.e., final say), but in the Charley Armey sense. It's also possible that Saban would give Webster a non-G.M. title, in order to remove any uncertainty as to who the emperor of the Fins really is.

I've said for months Spielman will be gone after the draft is over, its not about paranoia on Nicks part, he has total control.

Now that the draft is over why would Nick keep a guy around that made as many mistakes as Spielman did in the past?

There will be a personnell man under Saban but technically there won't be a GM in the classic sense of the term, Saban has that authority.
miami_mi said:
I think he should just sweep the pieces from the Wanny regime into the trash myself. But, if Spielman did have a input on this years draft, then maybe we should keep him.

All of the important picks in this draft were made by Saban, its more than obvious he chose Players HE knew very well, the first four picks were all players that either were dominant players for teams that Nick's teams lost too, or in the case of Daniels was a player Nick coached.

I highly doubt Spielman had much to do with any of these selections.
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