While I'm not really about awards and the like, becoming a premium member is like becoming a member of the ring of honor to me. When the PM came in from Celtkin that I was in, I thought about it for a moment. I'm actually starting a new job (my first as an attorney) on Thursday and will be moving. Life is chaos for me now and I'm not sure how much I'll be here as I try to get a place, figure out the double rent thing for my wife and I, and the like. It was just a moment I thought about it, though. FH is my favorite place to be, and I want to make sure it's always here even if I'm not.
If you don't see much of me in the next couple of months, know it's just the chaos of life getting in the way and that I'd be here if I could. The good thing is that it will make the offseason go faster. I already have a connection through a friend who is a Redskins fan for a ticket to that game, so I'm pumped about 2007.
Thank you to everyone who wanted me here. It's a great place to be.