We've regressed. What to expect. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

We've regressed. What to expect.


This Is My House
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
We're rebuilding, but the hard sched. excuse is BS!
We've regressed. We're a worse team than last year.

We lost Goodman, Hill, Holliday, ect.
Where are they? On a 3-0 team.

Turnovers, no heart, no QB, bad play calling.

We should really question the FO for their lack of play calling and FA signings. IDC who our coach is, 0-3 is inexcusable.

Expect us to beat Buffalo. Expect Henne to lead us to a 8 win season.
Expect to see the stadium empty. Expect us to make changes in the team.
Let this be a lesson to all of us DOLFANS!!!! after last season most of us thought the team was a playoff contender, just because we won alot of close games while playing a weak schedule ... it seems that most of the fan's expectations' are WAY TOO HIGH!!! everything feel into place last season, especially in the TURNOVER DEPT!!! the law of averages seems to be taking over so far this year ... with the opposite happening!!! but ONE major area that i see is a main cause of the problems the lack of pressure on the QB!!! you have to hand it to Manning and Rivers they made the plays that needed to be made inorder to win .... Today i felt like i was watching Marino or Elway make those perfect passes!!! the Dolphin DB'S were practically drapped all over the SD WR's and they just came up with the catches... let the countdown begin for a top 5 pick in the 2010 draft begin!!! GOOD LUCK to Chad Henne ... your going to need it... perhaps this season will go down as the beginning of new era in Dolphins history!!! the CHAD HENNE ERA!!! i'm betting he doesn't turn out to be anything like Flacco, Ryan, or Sanchez!!!!
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