Oh Jeez
I live up here and there is nothing here..., but tundra and igloos....:tongue: Any QBsto come from this "bush" league are unique..., this Casey Printers was a headcase BC with aging vet Dave Dickinson (a quality individual)..., and still currently the best CFL QB (arguably). Dave Dickinson never really got a shot on the Dolphoins roster as QB..., a few years back. So guess where he went to..., back to the igloos of the CFL.... The CFL is a feeder to the NFL..., but few guys come out and contribute..., burt let's here it for (HB) Mike Sellers of the Redskins who made it back for a second stint after smothering LBs and D linemen in the CFL as a (FB) with Winnipeg (Winterpeg) get it iglos everywhere man...