What do you think of this "fair" evaluation on the Dolphins from a Jets fan??? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What do you think of this "fair" evaluation on the Dolphins from a Jets fan???

Originally posted by phinphan

Because people tend to have poor mathmatical skills. Ask many fans what Greenwood cost, and they will still say " a second AND third round pick". Rather than looking at a second round price for Smith, they see next years second AND this years third as the price. Go figure.

It's baffling????;) :D
and who would your impact player be? washington? a wr who would get rare time in our offese. we lost 2 st starters who were also back up lbs. moore stands a better chance at stepping in right away than any wr left at 49.
befor taking an injured prone unproven coll wr. i would pick up crowell or robinson. when healthy you know what you got with these players.
Originally posted by PhinPhan1227
Doesn't take into account giving up next years 2nd round pick for a player who may or may not be on the team next year. That takes it from being an "ok draft", to being a BAD draft in my opinion.

Well, not to be sarcastic towards your post but if you put it this way, then don't forget to add the fact that one player from this draft is already on the team, and he ran his butt off last year.

Does Ricky Williams bring your grade back up any?
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