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What gase said on Friday via pb post

What exactly is Ajayi doing wrong? The line can't open holes....how is that his fault? Then we bring in Damien Williams. For the love of God I dont understand how this guy is still on an NFL team. He makes one mistake after another. probably one of the worst football IQs in some time.

With Ajayi you definitely see him going "the long way around" alot. Yeah maybe the hole is not there everytime but it seems like if the sea is not parting he's abandoning the lane immediately.
No, Ajayi would have mouthed off. At that point, Shula would release him. You have an unrealistic perspective.

I don't think Ajayi would mouth off to Shula in the first place. That's my point. Clearly Jay didn't respect Gase, hence the mouthing off. It seems that many of the players haven't bought in to Gase or his system. When this happens, some will speak/act out, especially the younger ones. Gase should have benched Ajayi and worked with him until he saw positive changes. Failing that, THEN you trade him.
How can that be, his players have said they love playing for him and he is relatable, he was also suppose to be a player friendly coach for goodness sake. How can he be NOW lacking in people skills.

Ajayi said the same great things about Gase in public. Unlike Gase, the players don't want to throw their coach under the bus in public. The courtesy was not returned. I'd be REAL curious to know what Laundry thinks in private of Gase. I'd bet it's not too flattering. But we we'll never know...
Ajayi said the same great things about Gase in public. Unlike Gase, the players don't want to throw their coach under the bus in public. The courtesy was not returned. I'd be REAL curious to know what Laundry thinks in private of Gase. I'd bet it's not too flattering. But we we'll never know...
That statement is deceptive, Gase backs his players in public sometimes to a fault, for him to have called out the team speaks volumes to what must have been going on behind the scenes. Ajayi was one of my favorite players, but some of the reports we are hearing is disturbing...bad attitude, lack of study time, walking out of meetings, complaining even after a win...come on man the coach must have some sort of discipline and control over the team. Worse yet, we are losing.......badly.
look, if the reports are true that ajayi had a bad attitude and was sulking after a win because his stats werent great then gase made the right choice...i get players want to be a star and all that but an attitude like that is cancerous to the locker room...does it suck we lost a talented player for a 4th? yea of course, but if he wasnt doing what he was supposed to and all about himself then whatre u supposed to do? just let him do whatever he wants? gase's job is to win football games, not pad his running backs stats to cater to his ego...
I don't think Ajayi would mouth off to Shula in the first place. That's my point. Clearly Jay didn't respect Gase, hence the mouthing off. It seems that many of the players haven't bought in to Gase or his system. When this happens, some will speak/act out, especially the younger ones. Gase should have benched Ajayi and worked with him until he saw positive changes. Failing that, THEN you trade him.

He was benched last year and the problems continued.

When Gase tells Tbaum that Ajayi isnt taking another snap in his offense, Tbam is gonna trade him and get what he can for him.

If Tbaum doesnt trade him we waste a roster spot and lose the guy in free agency anyway.

Barry Jackson with some updates on what's going on inside the building.

- Gase put the position coaches on notice that if their guys are ****ing up assignments, the coaches will be held very accountable.

- Players didn't dispute Gase's comments about guys not putting in effort, not even anonymously. Landry and Pouncey actually seemed to agree with his comments.

Barry Jackson with some updates on what's going on inside the building.

- Gase put the position coaches on notice that if their guys are ****ing up assignments, the coaches will be held very accountable.

- Players didn't dispute Gase's comments about guys not putting in effort, not even anonymously. Landry and Pouncey actually seemed to agree with his comments.
I'm so torn between liking Gase as a coach and thinking that he’s in over his head. On one hand everything you read that he does and says - including what’s going on inside the building - he comes across as the leading figure you want as the coach of your team. On the other hand, the product on the field, especially the offense which is supposed to be his forté, is a freaking clown show. I just don’t know what to make of it.
Gase is so far from Shula it's crazy. Gase problem in commanding respect is he tries to act like their friend one minute and then turn around and be the hard ass. You can't trash talk with them and act all buddy buddy then flip a switch.

Shula and great coaches command respect. Even Shula at 40 there was a clear line between player and him. This line is blurred with Gase. And to his and the teams detriment.
I'm so torn between liking Gase as a coach and thinking that he’s in over his head. On one hand everything you read that he does and says - including what’s going on inside the building - he comes across as the leading figure you want as the coach of your team. On the other hand, the product on the field, especially the offense which is supposed to be his forté, is a freaking clown show. I just don’t know what to make of it.

What's going on in the building is a product of everyone under performing.
Going to be interesting to see how this team comes out and plays this week...not that that's much different from any other week, there always some questions to be answered every game, but after such a monumental loss, a good game would go a long way.
If that's not being a tough coach and laying the law down, then what is? Gase is doing everything humanly possible to help his players succeed. Imagine how pissed you'd be if players you count on do not even study their playbooks at home..If people think it was smarter to keep a man who complained after a W about not getting enough touches, then maybe I don't know anything about how the league works for the last 20 something years. We've learned over and over one guy can ruin a locker room. Gase did right by getting something while he could considering we weren't going to resign him anyways. Next year he had no trade value especially after this horrendous year. Gase has a 14-9 record with this team and a playoff berth. Even right now we're a 1/2 game from being tied for the 5th seed. We ALL had no idea Ajayi was going to run wild. Drake is possibly a better fit for this offense. I'm very happy he's going to get his chance to put up or shut up. Only time will tell on the Ajayi deal. In Gase I trust!! PHINS UP!!
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