What if the 49ers trade down | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What if the 49ers trade down


Section 429 Row 17
Jan 12, 2004
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Pembroke Pines, FL
If the Niners trade down, and whomever trade up takes Edwards, would we take Smith or do you think we could still trade down?
I think we would take Smith unless Tampa gave Nick a great offer- something like a 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
We could do either. Or we could take Smith and then still field trade offers for him similar to the Eli Manning deal.
We would loose most of the offers we have no to trade down, because they wanted Edwards, but is Alex smith is available there will be a new set of teams trying to trade up with us. So trading down would still be an option, but I don't see anybody trading with san fran for edwards when there is no way they will draft him and they could pay less to get to the number two spot.
If Smith is there he is the pick unless Tampa blows us away with a trade offer. I really don't think Saban is nearly as desperate to trade down now that we got a 2 for Surtain. I think now it would just be a luxury.
IF SF trades out and someone takes Edwards...

Spegg said:
If the Niners trade down, and whomever trade up takes Edwards, would we take Smith or do you think we could still trade down?

I think we would definately take (not should but will) Smith, unless we can trade down for additional picks.

Right now, I feel Minnesota will not trade down with us. They feel they can get Williamson who is projected at 12-20 with their 7th pick.

That leaves only Washington, who wants Edwards or possibly Williamson with their 9th pick.

The more I think about it, Williamson is the hot commodity in this draft. He was expected to go 12-20, but everyone that needs a WR has their eyes on him under the quiet. Remember I told you so.
If the Niners take Edwards or trade down, I'm guessing we will have trade down potential for Smith and for Mike Williams. We'll just have to see what Nick thinks is best. He isn't going to get taken, but he also isn't going to leave value to be had in a trade out there if he isn't even going to take the player the suitor is after and if he believes he can get his guy.
Everyone here pretty much shares my opinion. However, I think it's doubtful that the 49ers trade out of that pick. Unless they too are blown away with a trade offer, they need a quarterback, and Smith is clearly the choice between he and Aaron Rogers. If we can't find a serious taker at #2 or if SF does trade down, then I am fine with Picking any of the following, or trading down. Ronnie Brown, Alex Smith, or Braylon Edwards, in that order.
fishfan34 said:
Everyone here pretty much shares my opinion. However, I think it's doubtful that the 49ers trade out of that pick. Unless they too are blown away with a trade offer, they need a quarterback, and Smith is clearly the choice between he and Aaron Rogers. If we can't find a serious taker at #2 or if SF does trade down, then I am fine with Picking any of the following, or trading down. Ronnie Brown, Alex Smith, or Braylon Edwards, in that order.

Im not concerned, there will be at least of the two "diamonds" available at #2. Either Edwards whom Washington is dying for, or Smith whom Tampa is dying for, we will have the option of selecting or moving down.

Trust in Saban.
sports24/7 said:
If Smith is there he is the pick unless Tampa blows us away with a trade offer. I really don't think Saban is nearly as desperate to trade down now that we got a 2 for Surtain. I think now it would just be a luxury.

While I understand the sentiment, AND I think Will Poole will succeed somewhere (not Nick's guy), I'm afraid that the 2nd rounder for Surtain represents a big hole in our defense.

We didn't *need* a starting CB until today. We only have one now. Howard, Poole, or Edwards may step up but until they go through a full season, we only have one proven starter.
Has there been any talk of SF talking to other teams? If Tampa wants Smith so bad, shouldn't there some evidence out there that SF and Tampa are talking trade? Haven't heard a peep. Same with SF and Washington w/ Edwards. Everyone seems to be leaving SF alone. Like they know who they are going after and it ISN't Smith or Edwards.

Which gives me hope that they take Rodgers and leave Smith for us.

We have our 2nd rounder now, no need to trade down. Just get the Franchise QB.
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