Head Dolphin In This Pod
What if the NFL,says no to Ricky Williams.He is one test from the lifetime ban.I really think he has good playmaking abilities.But we cant count on him,**** he ows the Dolphins like 8 mil.So Dolphins Fans ,,,,,,Will the NFL
reinstate old smoky.Lets see,walked out on the eve of 04 training camp.Faild test. So he decided to retire.
Came back.Served the 4 game supension.
Gained 700 plus yards.
This year ,Failed another drug test.
1 year suspension.
Honestly i think the Nfl might just laugh at him.
When on the field he is top 6 running backs.
We shall see.
To bad he ****ed it all up.
GO DOLPHINS.........#1................:dolphins: :dolphins: :dolphins:
Founder of kick everyones *** foundation.MIAMI BABY
reinstate old smoky.Lets see,walked out on the eve of 04 training camp.Faild test. So he decided to retire.
Came back.Served the 4 game supension.
Gained 700 plus yards.
This year ,Failed another drug test.
1 year suspension.
Honestly i think the Nfl might just laugh at him.
When on the field he is top 6 running backs.
We shall see.
To bad he ****ed it all up.
GO DOLPHINS.........#1................:dolphins: :dolphins: :dolphins:
Founder of kick everyones *** foundation.MIAMI BABY