what is story with John Nalbone? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

what is story with John Nalbone?


Club Member
Feb 16, 2009
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I keep reading about Patrick Turner being a 3rd rounder last year and if he can contribute at all.............

what about Nalbone? any updates on him and if the trifecta feels he can contribute at the TE position?
Yeah, signs point to Nalbone not being that good. We wouldn't had signed Kory Sperry off of a PS, if Nalbone was any good.
John Nalbone, Pat White, Patrick Turner in the first 5 rounds last year.

ugh !

What the hell are these guys thinking when choosing players for offense besides OLine ? In the first 5 rounds they only got a decent 3rd receiver - Hartline, of the 4 selections on offense for the skill positions.

They need to hire scouts who know how to scout the skill positions on offense. And give them all the power to select players for those positions.

For the rest of the team, Parcells and Ireland are fine with selecting players. Just keep them away from the skill positions offensively. Because last year was a total embarrassment and an EPIC FAIL !
John Nalbone, Pat White, Patrick Turner in the first 5 rounds last year.

ugh !

What the hell are these guys thinking when choosing players for offense besides OLine ?

They need to hire scouts who know how to scout the skill positions on offense. And give them all the power to select players for those positions.

Pat White was a good choice in thoery only. The idea was that he was going to add something to the Wildcat. Unfortunately, he didn't show anything as a rookie.

Turner was drafted IMO to be a redzone threat, but he couldn't get separation from Nate Jones in practice.

Nalbone was a developmental pick that everybody knew was a project. Problem was, people thought he would atleast add athleticism and receiving ability, and that's where he struggled.

But yeah, as good as the Trifecta's first draft was, last year was a bit of a dud. Hartline, Vontae, and Smith were good, Clemons contributed, and Folsom did get a couple call ups to the main squad. But not my favorite class ever.
What boggles my mind is before the draft last year Ireland said the #1 thing he looks for in WR's and TE's is "SEPARATION".. He said that is absolutely vital.

And then he drafts a WR in the 3rd and a TE in the 5th who everyone knew sucked at separating from defenders.

Nalbone is very raw and a guy who needs to be developed. Otherwise known as a project this regime is going to continue to groom. Will he ever become anything? Maybe not.

Season Team Receiving Rushing Fumbles
G GS Rec Yds Avg Lng TD Att Yds Avg Lng TD FUM Lost
2009 Dallas Cowboys 16 9 81 1,320 16.3 60T 11 2 -2 -1.0 11 0 1 0
2008 Dallas Cowboys 12 0 13 278 21.4 63 3 -- -- -- -- -- 1 0
2007 Dallas Cowboys 16 0 5 76 15.2 35 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2006 Dallas Cowboys 9 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 1
TOTAL 99 1,674 16.9 63 14 2 -2 -1.0 11 0 5 1

They drafted him to be a project..A guy that could be on the PS and no one would sign off of as well..

Thats kind of the point they could have maybe signed someone who was a litte bit better but that guy would be on the PS then be at risk to have someone else signing him...

So you take a flyer on him and devlop him hoping no one else will sign him..
So he doesn't contribute the first year (and maybe 2).....The guy was a 5th round pick from Monmouth for cryin' out loud!

Some guys you thought would set the world on fire need more time to develop. And some guys you thought would suck play great. I remember when everyone was saying how much they hated the Hartline pick last year. Where are they now?

This FO isn't going to hit on every single player in every single round. But lets give these guys (White, Turner, Nalbone) more than one year before we throw out the bust label.
i still dont think patrick turner is a bust at the very least hes a endzone threat.

nalbone was a pick with high upside which didnt pan out it was only a 5th rounder not every pick is gonna be a starter
Pat White was a really bad pick. I think we now know the FO thinks he's not a qb

It give me no pleasure when the Dolphins blow the draft,, yet again.
Pat White was a really bad pick. I think we now know the FO thinks he's not a qb

It give me no pleasure when the Dolphins blow the draft,, yet again.

Don't be naive GB. Do you actually beileve that crock of borscht that PIS spouts about their belief that WHITE is a for-real NFL QB? WHITE was drafted to add a dimension to the Wildcat that PENNY in at a WR position couldn't. And to run the "spread". Having said that, I'll add this: IF PARCELLS & CO. ACTUALLY KNEW that they could/would get T THIGPEN for a 5th, they wouldn't have drafted P WHITE AT ALL!

PAT WHITE a for-real NFL QB??? Yeah, and I'm Queen Victoria, and "We are not amused"!

Getting back to NALBONE, for all anyone other than PIS knows, NALBONE may be showing A LOT, but they spew disinformation about him in order to further discoudrage other teams from "poaching" him. Ditto, TURNER. After all, "separation" really isn't the key for that "ally-oop" pass in the endzone. Size and strength are key. Does anyone here even remember O GADSEN? Not exactly the fleetest WR afoot, was he?
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