What Kind of attack will we need against the Jags | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What Kind of attack will we need against the Jags


Pro Bowler
May 1, 2002
Reaction score
Greensboro, NC
I'd like to see us run it at least 30 times. I'd like Minor to get 5 of those carries at least. Jay needs to complete at least 15 and not have a Int in the second half.
What kind of attack? The fins have only one kind and that's RW. Doesn't matter who the fins face, their basic attack is to run RW. When he is succesful, it opens up other possibilties for Fiedler.
Originally posted by justafan
What kind of attack? The fins have only one kind and that's RW. Doesn't matter who the fins face, their basic attack is to run RW. When he is succesful, it opens up other possibilties for Fiedler.

Just a Fan I get the feeling the only Phins game you saw this year was aganist the Bills. The Phins can incorporate slant patterns with Chambers or Darrius, Konrad Runs, McKnight Screens etc. Do you have Direct TV NFL ticket?
Lol what other play is there besides run and pass??? Anyway, the Bills wish they had a Ricky Williams. Lots of people too throw too and Minor and Konrad carry the rock pretty good too. :o]
Originally posted by Sherif

Just a Fan I get the feeling the only Phins game you saw this year was aganist the Bills. The Phins can incorporate slant patterns with Chambers or Darrius, Konrad Runs, McKnight Screens etc. Do you have Direct TV NFL ticket?

yes , I do. However, you cannot deny that the fins bread and butter is RW. None of those slant patterns matter if you can't run RW.

If it wasn't for your D stepping up and making Collins throw INT's your O would've blown the game for the fins because RW couldn't run and Fiedler wasn't lighting anything up.

It's no secret that for anyone to beat the fins, they have to stop RW and the O is finished. Opposing Offenses have to deal w/ your D however.
Originally posted by Dolfandenny
Anyway, the Bills wish they had a Ricky Williams.

I wasn't smacking. The bills have nothing to do w/ this.
well play action is huge this sunday, like the first play against the giants, but this time i like to see this pass go to chambers deep, rather on a post or a stop and go on the sideline, fiedler however has to hit him this time , if that play is there , look for some running room for #34......GO PHINS 4-1 is all i need after this game.
"It's no secret that for anyone to beat the fins, they have to stop RW and the O is finished. Opposing Offenses have to deal w/ your D however."

I'm not sure if you noticed, but the Giants last week did about a good as a job as anyone has done stopping Ricky Williams recently. I'm also not sure if you noticed, but we scored 21 points offensively.
Originally posted by justafan
yes , I do. However, you cannot deny that the fins bread and butter is RW. None of those slant patterns matter if you can't run RW.

If it wasn't for your D stepping up and making Collins throw INT's your O would've blown the game for the fins because RW couldn't run and Fiedler wasn't lighting anything up.

It's no secret that for anyone to beat the fins, they have to stop RW and the O is finished. Opposing Offenses have to deal w/ your D however.

How the hell can you say you know what "would've" happened? You mean thats what you think, or more likely WISH would've happened, but thats about all there is too it.

Our "O" had sustained drives of significant distance... Our "O" was making plays with and without Ricky Williams. McMichael had 57 yards on 2 catches. McKnight had 68 yards on 1 run... If anything, this game proved Miami can beat you even if you DO contain Ricky.

You just WISH our offense was a one trick pony like the Bills so we'd be on par with them instead of on top. I looove the jealousy that comes seething out of these Bills biased posts. You'll do anything to rationalize that your greatest fear isn't true... but it is... The Dolphins are better than the Bills!
...Bon Apetite!
Why expose our offense when we don't have to. We're never behind and when we were behind against the Giants it wasn't for long. The Phins can score and score quickly when they're behind. They were on their way to a score with 50 seconds left against Houston if not for a dumb mistake by Darrius not dragging his feet.
We need to pass the ball effectively. We need to go downfield and have a good combo of passes. We need to keep the Jaguars guessing and not be predictible. If we do this, we will win.
Originally posted by justafan
What kind of attack? The fins have only one kind and that's RW. Doesn't matter who the fins face, their basic attack is to run RW. When he is succesful, it opens up other possibilties for Fiedler.

Funny. . . .

He wasn't successful against the Giants.
Originally posted by justafan

yes , I do. However, you cannot deny that the fins bread and butter is RW. None of those slant patterns matter if you can't run RW.

If it wasn't for your D stepping up and making Collins throw INT's your O would've blown the game for the fins because RW couldn't run and Fiedler wasn't lighting anything up.

It's no secret that for anyone to beat the fins, they have to stop RW and the O is finished. Opposing Offenses have to deal w/ your D however.

Wow, stop sounding like you have sand in your vagina.

You just sound like you are whining.

And what is your attack? Drew "I forgot what down it is" Bledsoe?
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