What muscles are involed with throwing the football? Can we strengthen it? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What muscles are involed with throwing the football? Can we strengthen it?


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Mar 12, 2003
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Ok, maybe this is just a really dumb question. What muscles are involved with throwing the deep ball and why can't QB's seem to strengthen those muscles enough tom make anyone a Mike Vick strength thrower?

These guys seem to spend an obscene ammount in the weight room? One would imagine with all the strength and position coaches, they could isolate the muscles used for throwing the football and make them stronger in the offseason workouts. To my knowledge it's a combination of the Shoulder, Biceps, Triceps, forearms and neck.

Would love to hear our most educated experts opinions on this.
I think you just need a strong overall arm, biceps, triceps, forearms, wrist.
Actually it's a combination of alot of muscles ranging from your traps to even your thighs and fingers...simply put, there are about thirty muscles involved in throwing a football. They are the muscles in your rotator cuff (shoulder), your entire arm (biceps, triceps, forearm), also, your trapezius (neck-shoulder) and the latissimus dorsi, and serratus anterior muscles (the muscles over the side of your ribs). Now, the interesting part is that there are a whole bunch of muscles that are indirectly involved, like your leg muscles that help propel your body for momentum, your finger muscles that hold the football and some stomach muscles that twist your body for "proper position". A way to see for yourself which muscles are flexing is to motion like you're throwing and feel the muscles in the places I mentioned with your other hand...

So mainly a lot of it comes from the shoulder and arm but there are numerous areas of your body used for throwing...
Thanks Flurry for the muscles used now why can't profeesional athletes that get paid millions of dollars with state-of-the-art workout facilities that they are paid to use make huge changes in these muscle groups? It seems that Fiedler has had problems throwing the deep ball for four years. Shouldn't the Phins have made him train differently?
I think, for the most part, arm strenght is something you're born with. There's only so much you can improve.
The muscles involved vary from each Qb, depending on their motion and also on the joints, some have a very loose joints and other don´t.and flexibility is natural skill you can improve it , but some nature is involced
why can't QB's seem to strengthen those muscles enough tom make anyone a Mike Vick strength thrower?
Genetics! No matter how much you lift and workout, your body is only going to get so big.
thats not a dumb question at all, im the quarterback for my high school football team and this thread is very helpfull, thanks guys.
A QB cant improve his long by simply by working out. It can be improved a little bit, but you cant make Chad Pennington into Brett Favre.
the rotator cuff is mostly used, these muscles are called the SITS muscles and assist in rapid deceleration of the shoulder when throwing overhand. they can be strengthened but it varies between people
Throwing the football doesn't require strong muscle groups,

It's more leverage than anything.
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