WHAT? Oh man, this is rich | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

WHAT? Oh man, this is rich


The Human Bullet
Sep 2, 2001
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Dolphins | Carter Expressing Interest - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
11:28 PT: CNN/SI's Don Banks reports Minnesota Vikings WR Cris Carter has expressed interest in playing for the Miami Dolphins. He's currently pushing for QB Troy Aikman to come out of retirement and join the team along with the addition of offensive coordinator Norv Turner, who is currently employed by the Chargers.

Are all these guys going to play here for Vet minimum? We can't afford a Chris Carter, and Aikman, plus a good RB, and some O line to go with them.
OH and Garrison Hearst is a FA. Just food for thought
I'd like to see Carter and Hearst, not Acheman. Fiedler was the number 1 QB in the league the last 7 weeks of the season, you have got to assume that if he has a running game he could very well take us where we need to go. Plus, can you imagine what he could do with 2CCs and OG in the slot with Minor coming out of the backfield!:eek:
Originally posted by inFINSible
Fiedler was the number 1 QB in the league the last 7 weeks of the season, you have got to assume that if he has a running game he could very well take us where we need to go.

Hey, if Trent Dilfer can do it, why not Fiedler?

I've never been a big Fiedler fan, but I'd feel more comfortable with him than Aikman.
You got that right!

Oh and Do me a favor and Stomp the crap out of the Ratbirds this weekend. I know my team didn't do anything to shut those ****y F**ks down, but I believe Pittsburgh is going to hand them their heads on a platter and I'll be laughing my ass off! Good Luck.
That was Feidler's NICEST pass since he's been a DOLPHIN and Mcknight can't hold onto it! Being the devil's advocate here, but CARTER wouldn't have dropped it! Look what Jerry Rice is doing in OAKLAND! As for Feidler, he just can't get this team over the hump! He is just too limited in his play and I question his arm confidence. Early in the Ravens game after the fumble on the kickoff. The first play where Jay rolled out. McKnight was wide open in the middle of the endzone! The Ravens blew the coverage, he didn't throw it! It could have been 7-0!! One good thing though, it's a deep college draft! There is alot of talent coming out! Hopefully the PHINS can address most of their needs!After that game, the Phins must address the OLB position! I was there live and Greenwood and Galyon were getting blown out!! Thomas has 22 tackles?? He needs help! I have seen Rodgers too, he gets blown out too often! It should be an interesting offseason!
Originally posted by dolfan87
Dolphins | Carter Expressing Interest - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
11:28 PT: CNN/SI's Don Banks reports Minnesota Vikings WR Cris Carter has expressed interest in playing for the Miami Dolphins. He's currently pushing for QB Troy Aikman to come out of retirement and join the team along with the addition of offensive coordinator Norv Turner, who is currently employed by the Chargers.

Are all these guys going to play here for Vet minimum? We can't afford a Chris Carter, and Aikman, plus a good RB, and some O line to go with them.

Here is another scenario :D What if Barry Sanders came out of retirement :D WOW...We would have Norv Turner (whom you guys are drooling over..I remember what he did in Washington..so I'm not that fond of him) for offensive coordinator....Aikman, Barry Sanders, and Chris Carter all on the same team :eek: :D I know...I'm dreaming LOL :p
Yea we could set up easy chairs and have breakfast at 5 am, lunch at 9 am, and supper at 3pm. these guys, or should I say NFL senior citizens, could really instill wisdom upon the younger players.

We could call training camp...Shaddy Acres Retirement Camp, and they could play the Raiders every week for old team of the week award.

Go Phins!!!
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