What to do if ricky comes back? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What to do if ricky comes back?

Jeep said:
Some could see this as an ex girlfriend that dumped you to run off with someone else and then decided to come back.. others could look at it like Ricky had insight and was the first rat to jump from the sinking ship..

If Williams had walked away last year saying, "I don't like what I'm seeing here, and I think it is detrimental to the team; therefore, at this time my commitment to my own long-term health outweighs my commitment to my teammates, tough a choice as that is. Rather than continue to subject my mind and body to an obviously negative situation, I have decided to retire." then I might have been able to maintain some level of regard for him; he still would have been acting selfishly, but the hard fact is that sometimes in life you have to look out for yourself ahead of everyone else. I would've hated him for it, but eventually as the season's events unfolded, it would have become apparent that he had been right after all, and forgiveness would have had a shorter road to travel.

But the fact is he quit on the team on the eve of training camp, after all the free-agent RB's had signed with other teams. Additionally, he lied initially abolut his reasons, and lied several times subsequently when bits and pieces of information leaked out regarding the extent of his marijuana usage and betrayal of both himself and the team.

To compound his maliciousness, he continued to seek the spotlight despite his protestations of wanting privacy; he granted interviews in print and on TV - not to try to make anyone understand what he was going through, but to further throw in the faces of his fans and teammates his disdain and disrespect for us. He continues that tack to this day, when he has never expressed anything but the most facetious kind of remorse for what he did, the way that he did it, and the flawed motivations behind these acts.

I've said before, and I'll say it again: he's a c********r, a liar, a head case, a flake...but all that could be forgiven if he only came clean, manned up and faced his teammates and fans - and not only straightened up, but stayed straight. But no - he digs at everyone every chance he gets, and professes no sense of responsibility for his actions and their effect on everyone. And he makes it clear by his actions that if he were to clean up and return, it would be through the duress of threat of legal action and financial ruin.

Do you know what that describes? A sociopath; someone with no reagrd for others, or their feelings, or the effect of his actions on them. Someone that can't empathize with others' pain or suffering.

And this is what some of you want back on your team?
NaboCane said:
If Williams had walked away last year saying, "I don't like what I'm seeing here, and I think it is detrimental to the team; therefore, at this time my commitment to my own long-term health outweighs my commitment to my teammates, tough a choice as that is. Rather than continue to subject my mind and body to an obviously negative situation, I have decided to retire." then I might have been able to maintain some level of regard for him; he still would have been acting selfishly, but the hard fact is that sometimes in life you have to look out for yourself ahead of everyone else. I would've hated him for it, but eventually as the season's events unfolded, it would have become apparent that he had been right after all, and forgiveness would have had a shorter road to travel.

But the fact is he quit on the team on the eve of training camp, after all the free-agent RB's had signed with other teams. Additionally, he lied initially abolut his reasons, and lied several times subsequently when bits and pieces of information leaked out regarding the extent of his marijuana usage and betrayal of both himself and the team.

To compound his maliciousness, he continued to seek the spotlight despite his protestations of wanting privacy; he granted interviews in print and on TV - not to try to make anyone understand what he was going through, but to further throw in the faces of his fans and teammates his disdain and disrespect for us. He continues that tack to this day, when he has never expressed anything but the most facetious kind of remorse for what he did, the way that he did it, and the flawed motivations behind these acts.

I've said before, and I'll say it again: he's a c********r, a liar, a head case, a flake...but all that could be forgiven if he only came clean, manned up and faced his teammates and fans - and not only straightened up, but stayed straight. But no - he digs at everyone every chance he gets, and professes no sense of responsibility for his actions and their effect on everyone. And he makes it clear by his actions that if he were to clean up and return, it would be through the duress of threat of legal action and financial ruin.

Do you know what that describes? A sociopath; someone with no reagrd for others, or their feelings, or the effect of his actions on them. Someone that can't empathize with others' pain or suffering.

And this is what some of you want back on your team?

Rarely have I seen such an emotional argument presented so clearly and logically. Wow.
Wildbill3 said:
well, ricky has now become a david boston for this team, low risk and high reward, I'd take him back for the same reasons I'd take david back, that is: when he wants to play and his heart is into it, can completely dominate the game.

Apples to Oranges, IMO. David Boston didn't quit on the Dolphins. He got injured and missed the season. Him testing positive for a performance enhancing drug has no bearing on my view of him at this point.

Ricky quit, and he didn't give the Dolphins enough courtesy to make his decision soon so they could get a capable replacement in for him.

I will welcome David Boston back, but I will not welcome Ricky Williams back. Once a quitter, always a quitter.
I'd take Ricky back in a NY Minute. Not once during his 2 year stint did you ever hear a negative peep out of the guy (other then early on w/ being pulled over by the police). He was a hard worker and a performer on the field. He redefined the RB position for our team and made everyone respect this.

I think Wanny went to the well too many times and mismanaged Ricky in a big way. Everyone and their brother knew Ricky was weird even before we traded for him. I think w/ the proper coaching staff and support this guy can still be a force in this league. I also think Saban feels this way as well. If not, why would he keep the door open the way he is? I think he feels that his coaching staff and offensive gameplanning will take much of the limelight off Ricky and give his career a second chance....as well as provide us a serious threat in the backfield. No doubt Saban feels that w/ proper counseling and strict oversight he can reign in the weed issue....

Should Ricky return, I think you would see a major campaign by Saban to try and sway public opinion and I think he would particularly keep Ricky out of the public limelight as much as he could. His current restrictions on the media is a giant leap in the right direction ref this.

One dominate run to win the game, in crunchtime against the Jets...and all will be forgotten by the majority of fans. JMHO
awing_pilot said:
I'm posting here for insight vs flames:

Lets say ricky comes back, He's in decent shape and has served his 4 game suspension. It's early in october and its a home game. When they announce him coming onto the field. Whats going to happen? Is he going to get Boo'd is he going to get cheers? I'm curious at what you guys think could happen.

I think he'll get boo's untill he starts breaking big runs and scoring. I just think that people forgive players who produce. In hindsight who knows if wanny would have been fired and all the great things that have happened so far would have actually happened, had ricky stayed and played (post suspension of course). With the interview on 790 it just seems nick would like to have him back.

He will get booed by me, that's for sure. I'm not so forgiving a fan I guess, and it will be a long time coming before I ever cheer for him, if ever.

He can break a 80 yard TD run, and I'll be waving my arms because my team just scored but my mouth will be booing Ricky all the way.

In truth, I never wanted him here in the first place. The cost was way to high. I would have rather they trade for an often injured Fred Taylor at the time. He would have only costed a 3rd round pick, and the sad part is that since then Taylor has stayed fairly healthy.

That being said, I took a liking to Ricky once he ran for this team, and that's probably what hurt the most. Not only accepting him, but actually liking him more than I thought I could. Then, as Howard David puts it, bye bye Ricky.

Now I reserve the right to change my mind at any time. Like if Ricky comes out appologizes to the fans, and his teamates.
That and he enters a strick keep on his meds, and off the dope program.

Lots of people say how he owes the fan nothing, well I think otherwise. Not when I go to every game, and even more so, when I spent quite a lotta money on different color Ricky jersey's.
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