What would you do if you were Saban?... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What would you do if you were Saban?...


Finheaven VIP
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Apr 17, 2003
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Think about it guys.If he stays there he's gonna make tons of money,probably have great teams with players that wanna come play there.He can do what he wants there and noone's gonna question him.The players(college kids)will do whatever he wants them to do and the media wont bother him as much.

On the other hand if he comes here the media won't leave him alone.The players think they can do whatever they want.He'll be getting a team that needs 1 or maybe 2 new starting OT's and a new starting center.They need a new RB and at least 1 more QB as we still don't know if AJ's the guy(tho I think he's getting better).On defence they need a new starting DT or maybe 2,a new starting safety or maybe 2 and we have no 2nd round pick and no 6th round pick.The fans are gonna want a winner right away and keep on mind that we lost out of the big free agents last year once again.

I hope he comes here but can't blame him if he doesn't do it cos is not an easy situation that he'd be coming to.Like Shula said, the franchise has been on the decline for the last 10 years. Again, I hope he;ll be here but what would you guys do if you were him?I hope I'm wrong but nothing's worked for us this year so why should this be different?

Ozzy rules!!
its hard to answer that question because i dont know him personally, i dont know his family, and its hard to beleive what you read in articles now a days.

If my family honestly didnt approve me moving to another state for a better coaching job i would accept that and honor their decision. Saban makes plenty of money coaching at LSU and will likely get more money if he stays. Its totally up to the family.

As a fan i'd like to have him here, but ii respect what ever choice he makes. Im not gonna hate him like i know most of the people on this forum will if he rejects the offer. I still say Fassel would be an excellent HC for us if Saban doesnt accept.
If he's scared off by the "challenge" of the Dolphins.....:hump: him.
HE is taking his time because he can. He can demand a little more money, or any perk he wants. He has the fins over a barrel. Ticket sales are dependant on bringing in the next big guy.

He is the only one on our radar and he knows it.

No rush. It is not like waiting loses him anything.
If I was Saban I would of taken the Fins job already. He's done everything he can in College (won conference championship and National Championship) and has total control in Miami. Saban is playing grab a$$. Just make your decision already Nick!
inFINSible said:
If he's scared off by the "challenge" of the Dolphins.....:hump: him.
my sentiments exactly. We are THE MIAMI DOLPHINS and if he dont wanna come to us then thats his loss.
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