When Will We Know? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

When Will We Know?

CA Dolfan

Dolphin fan since '72
Club Member
Mar 9, 2002
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Northern California
When will we know if Parcells is staying for sure? Is there a deadline for him to make a decision?
we won't ever know, he has the ability to walk away from the team fully compensated at anytime in his contract. He could walk tomorrow or he could stay for 3 more years, its up to him.
Wayne Huizenga said he's staying put. Stephen Ross said he's staying put. Finally, the man himself said he isn't going anywhere. What more do you need?
Okay thanks. That's like driving with a broken fuel gauge not knowing when you'll run out of gas.
LOL... whats funny is that my 1995 Honda Accord has that very same problem. I've got to fill it up whenever I think it might be getting low.
Correct me if I am wrong, I thought his contract read that he could walk away within 30 days after a sale and/or transfer of ownership and still get his full pay? Meaning he can not just walk out at anytime after that and receive full compensation as stated above.
His new deal states he can walk more or less any time. My bet is that was the cost to keep him here. I think the J. Jones situation is still on his mind. I think he'll be here for this year and next though.
I hope he cant just walk away anytime he wants. If so I need the number of his lawyer so I can get contracts signed like that. Plus he isnt gonna be that guy that will sell his team out. He will step down with class and plenty of warning like any true business man should.
I hope he cant just walk away anytime he wants. If so I need the number of his lawyer so I can get contracts signed like that. Plus he isnt gonna be that guy that will sell his team out. He will step down with class and plenty of warning like any true business man should.

Google BP and I'm sure you'll find the link. He can walk at any time during the contract and still get every cent of his contract.
I read an article ,but for the life of me i can't remember where, that wayne took the clause out. B.P. was quoted as saying that he will stay at least 1 more year. he made no reference to anything after that.the article did not address a payout after that year. The dolphins website has transcripts of a Ross phone call that was very positive for B.P. near the end of the call he addresses the Parcells situation and there are questions throughout the call where Parcells is mentioned.


try this one-it is about a month old but very positive and none of the factors have changed
I dont think there will ever be comfort for us in this situation. I hope that Parcells maybe offers to sign a deal saying he wont leave on us. We should just say "Hey Bill will you sign this so we dont have to worry about you leaving us all of the sudden. You know we've kind of had a bad experience in the past and we want to be safe...I dont want to name names...ahem(Saban).. Hack cough...But yeah just sign it" Lets hope he realizes it is kind of a distraction to the team.
Google BP and I'm sure you'll find the link. He can walk at any time during the contract and still get every cent of his contract.
Yeah I just dont know who's idea that was. Man Wayne must've been desperate to bring him in to make that contract. And why did he take out the escape clause last minute? What a douche.
Yeah I just dont know who's idea that was. Man Wayne must've been desperate to bring him in to make that contract. And why did he take out the escape clause last minute? What a douche.

My bet is it was Parcells. You have to put yourself in Parcell's shoes. He could go to 3/4 of the teams in the NFL and get whatever he wants. Ross/Wayne are doing whatever they can to keep him here. That's good ownership AFAIC.
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