on guys like Gailey and Cameron? and for that matter Mora? This is turning out to be the kind of year when a team is looking for the glamour pick and is settling for second best. This may be an awlful year for new blood, which is really old blood.
If Gailey is picked, a lot of fans are going to be upset.
IF Mora is picked, his motivation will be questioned.
If Cameron is picked, he is still dealing with some bad play calling from the playoff game, and you wonder how much he was helped by Tomlinson.
I will say this again. A guy like Tomlin, or Caldwell, from the Colts may be the right direction. I would prefer to error on the young side.
This is more than a new coach. This is getting a fresh perspective. I do not see that with Gailey or Mora, or Cameron.
I will even put in a plug for Norm Chow. Why not? He has done more than Cameron, Gailey, or Mora from his coord. position.
I hope the rumors are true about Wayne meeting again with the gentleman from USC. This is as much about attitude and PR as stability I guess.
I wonder if Wayne is truly paying any attention to the media response on this pick??
If Gailey is picked, a lot of fans are going to be upset.
IF Mora is picked, his motivation will be questioned.
If Cameron is picked, he is still dealing with some bad play calling from the playoff game, and you wonder how much he was helped by Tomlinson.
I will say this again. A guy like Tomlin, or Caldwell, from the Colts may be the right direction. I would prefer to error on the young side.
This is more than a new coach. This is getting a fresh perspective. I do not see that with Gailey or Mora, or Cameron.
I will even put in a plug for Norm Chow. Why not? He has done more than Cameron, Gailey, or Mora from his coord. position.
I hope the rumors are true about Wayne meeting again with the gentleman from USC. This is as much about attitude and PR as stability I guess.
I wonder if Wayne is truly paying any attention to the media response on this pick??