Alan Faneca-Playing at a high level still,and is only 31 years old.6 time Pro Bowler,and has proven he can hold his own from the OG position.Alan is 6'5",300+ pounds,and has the desire to play.Alan and Pitsburgh pretty much parted ways when Alan said he wants to play elsewhere,or at least get a better contract.Alan migh commany anywhere from $6-10M a year,but with his presentation of his career,I'd pay it to him,we're in need of a good LG,and he is definately TOP 5 LG's in the league.He still has,I presume,like 5-7 more years left in him,remember he was drafted when he was 21.
Flozell Adams-He played in Dallas when Parcells and Ireland and Sparano was there.Adams is 6'7",300+ pounds,and is a proven LT.He has the talent,and "it" to play it.He,in my book,is probably the most likey of all,considering our staff knows him so well.
Ken Hamlin-Again,Parcells/Ireland and Sparano know him.He is a great tackler,probably one of the best,of Safeties.Hamlin has great size and strength,and can make a play on the ball.I don't know,I heard their gonig to fanchise either him,or Flozell.Depending on age and talent,we might have to rule Hamlin out,but then again who wants to lose a good LT?
Other Choices:
1 Bryant Johnson(6'3",217 pounds,good hands and looking to start somewhere)
2 Bernard Berrian(6'1",198 pounds,very,very fast and but we have that in Ginn)
3 Max Starx(6'7-8",300+ pounds,good blocking skills,still room to improve)
4 Other
Flozell Adams-He played in Dallas when Parcells and Ireland and Sparano was there.Adams is 6'7",300+ pounds,and is a proven LT.He has the talent,and "it" to play it.He,in my book,is probably the most likey of all,considering our staff knows him so well.
Ken Hamlin-Again,Parcells/Ireland and Sparano know him.He is a great tackler,probably one of the best,of Safeties.Hamlin has great size and strength,and can make a play on the ball.I don't know,I heard their gonig to fanchise either him,or Flozell.Depending on age and talent,we might have to rule Hamlin out,but then again who wants to lose a good LT?
Other Choices:
1 Bryant Johnson(6'3",217 pounds,good hands and looking to start somewhere)
2 Bernard Berrian(6'1",198 pounds,very,very fast and but we have that in Ginn)
3 Max Starx(6'7-8",300+ pounds,good blocking skills,still room to improve)
4 Other