Which game this year will be the toughest for the fins to win? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Which game this year will be the toughest for the fins to win?


Comon Mannnn
Apr 24, 2002
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im going to go w/the packers.... just because its not in maimi.... maby one of the jet games
At the Packers and at the Jets.

I've got this funny feeling the Raiders are going to underachieve this year.

The Packers are the toughest team on our schedule. They might make it to the Super Bowl.
At the NY Jets Nov.10, because that's a road game following a Monday Night road game, and teams in that position usually have a hard time winning no matter who they're facing.
Oh yeah, let me add this:

If the Dolphins beat the Jets at home in September(like they should), the Jets will be more determined to at least split the season and....

If the Dolphins lose to the Jets at home in September, the psychological affect may be too much for the Dolphins to overcome.
Green Bay and Oakland are obviously our toughest opponents on paper, but until we beat the Jets, that is our toughest game.
at the Pats the final game of the year - we have beaten GB 9 out of 10 times and I feel we will sweep the Jets unless we lose at home on 9/22 in which this will be 1995 all over again
The fact that we have beat the Pack 9 times out of 10 in irrelevent here. We play a very talented GB team at Lambeau field, on Monday Night Football. I can guarantee there wil be some yelling coming from my dorm room that night. On top of the usual yelling from bonhead plays and calls, John frickin' Madden will be there to add his nonsense. I just hope Al Michaels can keep some sanity up in the booth. Anyways, it will be a very tough game. I'm going to record it because I have a feeling its going to be one helluva matchup......
i think the first jets game is the toughest until we beat them and stop the hex...its just mental at this point...im happy we play them early in miami where the heat will be a factor and they have a lot of new players...
Deffinitly in Miami against the Jets. We haven't scored 1 td in the last 2 games that we hosted against the Jets. I don't think the Packers game is that tough. They are not the type of team that normally gives us a hard time. Farve and Green give them a chance to win every game, but their D is not that menacing, and their o-line is not one that will over power our d.
The Raiders game would be a lot harder if we had them in the first 8 weeks of the season like Buffalo does, but I bet the injury bug will bite the "over the hill gang 2" in the butt by the time Dec roles around.
4 toughest games IMO:
Jets-September 22nd
@GB-November 4th
@NYJ-November 10th
@Pats-December 29th

If we win 3 of these 4 games, we should have a pretty good record.
Originally posted by booyeah_
4 toughest games IMO:
Jets-September 22nd
@GB-November 4th
@NYJ-November 10th
@Pats-December 29th

If we win 3 of these 4 games, we should have a pretty good record.

Man if we win 3 of those 4 we should be no worse than 13-3.
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