Which teams fans would be most likely to be arrested? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Which teams fans would be most likely to be arrested?

Which teams fans would be most likely to be arrested? :lol:

  • Raiders

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Jets

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Patriots

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Bills

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Browns

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Eagles

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Other - Please list team

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters


FinHeaven Cheerleader
Oct 3, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
Which teams fans would most likely be arrested?

Just for some fun guys.................:lol:

Vote for as many as you like! :lol: It should be no mystery as to who I picked. :lol:
After the perfect 10 scored by the Browns fans..I picked them..that was disgraceful :yell: I also tossed a vote in for the Cowboys under other....now that's a sure bet!!! :lol: :D
I voted for all except for other. All those teams have many fans who are likely to be arrested for their lack of brain cells at a game.
Thanks Ice for your original post! :D I can't believe I forgot the Pats! :lol:
I guess I should have done this poll AFTER the Rams/Saints game. :rolleyes: 13 Saints fans were arrested for throwing beer bottles. :eek:
Every one thought that was so bad what happens in Cleavland, thats every sunday in Oakland. If that happend in Oakland the refs would still be picking battery acid out of their hair.
I had to go with the Raiders as my first choice and the Jets next but after that, put em in any order they're all asses!:lol:
Buffalo actully get a bad rep. I went to school there for the last 3 years, and went to a few games they aren't that bad. Beside a couple of cynical comments I didn't get harrased at all, by the fans even in my Dolphins Teal. The only ones that harrased me were my own fraternity bros. I could expect a shot in the arm every time Miami made a play.
>>thats every sunday in Oakland. If that happend in Oakland the refs would still be picking battery acid out of their hair.<<

I'm sure you come to this conclusion from having attended many Raider games, right? Right?
Don't believe all the crap you read in the media.

49ers Rule!
i have been to a raiders game.........

when they played pittsburgh. several a$$hole raider fans beat the crap out of my friends brother, just because he had a steelers jersey on, since we were obviously out numbered, we didn't say nothing and that pissed em off even more. :yell:

Raiders fans are regular people for the most part. When you get near the low part of the endzone, (Cost a small fortune with Al Davis) that's when they start getting roudy. I've been to two Raiders games with some friends. Overrated fans. Overrated team.
Actully Caveman I did see the Raiders play in Oakland last year when I went visit my bro...so na na na nicky poo!
Ive been to 4 Raiders vs Dolphins games and came out alive on all 4. but i almost didnt survive the first one as i almost got jumped at halftime but we lost that game. the 4 and last time was before our crushing lost in the playoffs to them I also almost got my but kicked if it wasnt for my 2 yr old son. They actually told me if your son wasnt here we would beat the %$*($ out of you!
That pissed me off no respect. But no matter who I go see (Whiners Vs Us or Faiders vs Us) I will always represent!;)
I see some undercover dolphin fans at the raider games all the time. They never show theyre fin fans but when we score they give me high-5.
Raider fans

Didn't the Raider fans 'murder' someone in the parking lot last year?????? Now that's hard core!
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