Who caught Jay's first TD of the 2001 season ? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Who caught Jay's first TD of the 2001 season ?


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
Who caught Jay's first TD passing of the 2001 season ?

these questions about last season are harder for me. i don't remember them if i don't read em and the 2001 stats aren't in my book yet! :(
Originally posted by dolphan39
Who caught Jay's first TD passing of the 2001 season ?
off the top of my head, i would say the laws of averages would point to gadsden!:confused:
Re: Re: Who caught Jay's first TD of the 2001 season ?

Originally posted by dolfan06
off the top of my head, i would say the laws of averages would point to gadsden!:confused:
OG it was. Then Lamar caught that 60 yard or so screen pass.
A win against the jets would be nice. If we had won just one of those last year, we would have been the 2 seed. Then who knows?!?
i'm sure glad i waited!

but i was enjoying the game on that fateful monday night, i didn't go onto the jets board and talk smack! would of had to eat a lot of crow after that game!:(
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