Who is most responsible for tonight's loss? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Who is most responsible for tonight's loss?

Who is most responsible?

  • Joey

    Votes: 59 57.8%
  • Defense

    Votes: 26 25.5%
  • WRs

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Home Crowd

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • Offensive Line

    Votes: 9 8.8%

  • Total voters


☠️ Banned ☠️
May 20, 2002
Reaction score
Joey: 2 costly interceptions.

Defense: Choked big time.. Gave up a 95 yard drive for a TD, and let the midget wonder Maurice Jones-Drew escape a tackle from the entire team

WRs: Still cant catch a cold

Home Crowd: Left in the 3rd Quarter. Another pathetic display of "support".
Even though Joey's bonehead picks were probably the biggest reason that we lost, I feel compelled to vote for the defense.

Quarterback is not the only problem position for the Miami Dolphins. It's certainly not the only big one. How about the fact that OUR DEFENSE CANNOT TACKLE?

But it's the only one people are going to talk about. And that's a damn shame.
None of the above.

Its the coaching (or lack thereof).

Nick Saban must be terminated. We are a horrible home team. That cannot stand. Our defense couldn't make key stops and we could not protect the passer. Almost reminds you of week one. In twelve weeks, no progress. Unbelievable.
Harrington, the defense (making a bad offense look good), play calling....you name it. It was all bad today
I think the one important part you forgot in your poll is the offensive line, because McIntosh was beat all day.:wink:
Probably should have stuck the offensive line in there.

Kind of funny. Offensive line blocks like they blocked for three of the four games that a certain other nameless Miami QB played, and Mr. Quick Decisions gets sacked 4 times.
The defense could have given up 13 points and we still would have lost.

Joey stunk, simple as that.
Fin Fan in Cali said:
I think the one important part you forgot in your poll is the offensive line, because McIntosh was beat all day.:wink:

You are right.. They were pretty bad as well..
Its Ronnie's fault for getting hurt he should know better!:goof:

Everyone did a horrible job.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to the depths, since its more sane then this forum.
Mr. Quick decisions sucked today.

Don't blame the fans. Thats a total cop-out.

#77 and #10 oughta get cut tomorrow!
Joey's two INT's in the 2nd quarter decided the game...the 1st INT was not totally his fault as CC spiked it into the air...but the 2nd one before the half was all Joey's fault. :mad:
This is what happens when you don't have a very good offense. Cuz you know what I don't care how good your defense is, they're going to have some challenging days. And if you don't have an offense that can pick up the slack, you're not a good football team. You're of a half a good football team.

Well, unless you think the D is going to step up and be one of the best the NFL has ever seen like the Ravens and Bucs in 2000 and 2002.

But if you're down to that you might as well hope that Daunte Culpepper or Joey Harrington break Manning's season record for TD passes. You don't bank on one part of the team being one of the best that's ever been in order to win football games.
Roman529 said:
Joey's two INT's in the 2nd quarter decided the game...the 1st INT was not totally his fault as CC spiked it into the air...but the 2nd one before the half was all Joey's fault. :mad:

As far as I could tell, Rashean Mathis was the player that stepped in front of that ball and popped it into the air for Gerald Sensabaugh to collect.

Chambers was tightly double covered on the play, Joey tried to fit it in there and he paid for it.

But he might have had a shot at overcoming that adversity had the OL and defense not both also broken down.

Nobody really did their job.

But if everyone wanted to give credit to Joey for wins against the Bears, Chiefs and Vikings...then you certainly have to give him credit for losses to the Patriots, Jets, Packers, and Jags.
Harrington was pretty bad today. Rich Gannon made a point late in the game that I've said a few times. Joey Harrington bails out too early on plays. He won't step up and take a hit for the chance to make a bigger play. He'll ALWAYS take the easy check down. He throws the ball off his back foot far to often, a result of him bailing out of the pocket so much. That is one of the reasons he "appears" to make quick decisions.

D-Mac was simply terrible today but I think the O-line was not as bad as it was when Daunte was in there, just my opinion.

The turnovers were killers. Two bad decisions led to points off the board for us and points on the board for them. I won't say the endzone INT was a "points off of turnover" thing because the defense let them drive it 95 yards right down our throats. That being said, it did take at least 3 off the board for us (assuming Mare makes the chip shot).

Speaking of the defense, they were pretty bad in the first half especially. Matt Jones looked like a man among boys out there. (He came back to haunt Nick Saban again) and David Garrard looked like a 27 year old John Elway.

That being said, they shut down the Jags for all of the 3rd quarter but the offense could get NOTHING done.

The recievers had drops (everyone but Booker had one today).

Our special teams were not good either in my opinion.

In my opinion it is a team loss but, Joey Harrington was quite bad today.
We lost the game in the trenches... both on offense and defense. We looked like the less physical team today... kinda reminds me of that playoff loss that ended Dan's career. <sigh> But atleast with the recovered onside kick there was some excitement at the end.
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