well, all you laughers better save some of that air because the report last night, posted on this sites forum says that "dawn aponte is the most vocal member of the interview committee".
its APPEARING that our fears are coming true, DAWN APONTE is in fact the power in the dolphins management and she is getting her way about not having a gm with ANY power over her and the new york gang green 3 headed management monster is in our midst!!
yeah, i know, philbin is part of that, supposedly asking for the same kind shelter from ANYONE being his superior but aponte used him like a biatch. she went after the GM and got a couple of people whos ground was shaky and used them for strength in numbers. philbin will soon be relegated to "just coach the team" stus soon. the door guys wont be letting him in the club any more. my wife has been in corporate work for many years and i cant tell you how many times i have heard from her about this same kind of thing, one power hungry person gathering sheep for the onslaught against the target of the power monster.
philbin will be on an island, a coffee fetcher for dawn and gaine and garfunkle and if there is someone else brought in for gm and gaine doesnt get the gig, that person will be her lacky also, as she will not be giving ANYONE a vote of approval who she thinks she cant manipulate.
what will make me puke is seeing her smug arse sitting in the DRAFT ROOM on draft day staring at the big board and flapping her gums.
if these reports are true, and i believe they are as she did the same things in cleveland, same power hungry strategy, then our troubles have just begun.
YES, IRELAND IS GONE, and rightfully so, but, now we have different sort of bad. and BAD is BAD!! and the biggest problem [unless you believe that "astute evaluator nonsense applied to brian gaine], we hear NOTHING of anyone on our list that is first and foremost a PROVEN talent evaluator and draft wizard, the thing we need most. tom gamble is just a whisper and i dont think he is a real player in all this.