Why did Dolphins jump on Feeley instead of Volek? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Why did Dolphins jump on Feeley instead of Volek?


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Sep 8, 2003
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Makes no sense to me. Feeley was just average the games he played in, and Volek was like a pro-bowler in the games he played in. Makes no sense.

Now the Bills are going after him. Even if Dolphins get Boston, who is going to throw to him. Feeley? Come on.


545 yards
4 Touchdowns
1 Interception
101.4 QB rating

1,011 yards
6 Touchdowns
5 Interceptions
75.4 QB rating
Obviously Spiel studied the heck out of them both.. He felt that Feeley gave them the best chance to win now.. I trust Spielman's judgement.
Should we though? What makes it that you should trust him? Come on. Lets use some common sense.
Because Feeley is a better quarterback than Volek.

Volek has one start under his belt and has only played in mop up time.

Feeley started in a pressure packed situation and performed well.
Originally posted by KBISBACK
Because Feeley is a better quarterback than Volek.

Volek has one start under his belt and has only played in mop up time.

Feeley started in a pressure packed situation and performed well.

6 TD's and 5 Interceptiosn - yep - sounds wonderful to me ... sounds like a winning game plan to me also. Throw a TD then throw an interception.

Notice that under 1 start , Volek had HALF of the yardage that Feeley had in 7 starts.
That is the thing. Why are you trusting Spielman. Has he ever done anything to warrant trusting? Didnt think so.
Feeeley is a better qb than Volek, hands down. Spielman knows what he id soing. Also, With Boston coming, Feeley will go wild throwing to Chambers and Him. I can't wait.:tongue:
As we progress deeper into the FA period, im trusting Rick more and more. Im one of the people thats very sceptical about Feeley, but with the job Rick has done lately, I'ts hard to be a pessimist =).
Well, you can be oblivious to the fact that Feeley is better and has more upside than Volek all you want. It doesn't change the fact that Feeley is better than Volek.
Rick is also the guy that spearheaded the move to get Matt Hasselbeck back in 2001. He had enough vision to see that Hasselbeck would become an All-Pro QB. It's too bad Dave dicked around and didn't give the OK on the deal to allow it to go through.

Feeley is better now than Hasselbeck was back then.
Feeley is better than Volek? Talk about faith based initiatives! Currently Tennessee, Green Bay, Atlanta, Denver and Buffalo have a strong interest in Billy Volek. Tennessee does not want to lose Volek because the guy is good. I saw Feeley play 3 times and I saw Volek play twice and there was no comparison.

Volek threw for 2 TD's 296 yards and ran one in against the number 1 defense in the NFL at the time. He threw accurate lasers all over the field and didn't panic when blitzed. Compare that to when I saw Feeley play. His arm looked much weaker than Volek's, that's for sure. Could Feeley actually be better than Volek? Sure, but to declare that based on NFL starts is hilarious! Oh, one more thing. Volek can be had by a decent offer with NO DRAFT PICKS as compensation.

Don't be surprised if we still draft River's. Even if we do only have one 1st round pick. Now with the Boston trade, we will not be getting a WR in round one....
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