Made absolutely no sense not to go for 2. I commented on that in medieval's room prior to our extra point. You gain zero being up 5 in that situation, but at least up 6 forces the opponent to make the extra point. Granted, it's a few percent chance he'll miss it, but everything is grabbing the slightest edge here and there.
It's just the opposite of Randy Shannon yesterday, who went for 2 when it was moronic, up by 11 with 5 minutes left. Up 12 with 5 minutes left is great position, forcing 2 TDs. Instead, with a missed 2 point conversion Shannon would have allowed an 8 and a 3 to tie. Luckily the Canes made the conversion, but you can't play results. The decision was stupidity.
I'm constantly amazed at the bungled choices at the end of these games. Squib kicks is another. They severely limit your opportunity to clamp the opponent in lousy field position. Every time I see a squib kick I root for the opponent to make them pay for it.