Why is everything Bill Bill Bill?????? I think I have a hunch.
1) 2 WORLD titles
2) He built a patsies team that was almost as bad as this one and took them to the WORLD title game in a short time frame.
3) The current Dallas team which went 13-3 last season and was good enough to win the NFC was pretty much created by BP. He started that job just a few years ago.
4) Pretty much every team he goes to and runs winds up having success.
5) The actual HC has no head coaching experience in the NFL and is more or less a protege of BP.
I think that pretty much answers it. Seriously kingphin.....is this **** that hard for you to figure out???? And Head Coach is two words btw.
"Did we go out a get a headcoach." What does that mean????
"After hearing all these threads." That isnt a sentence.
Theres much more seriously wrong with your post in regards to grammar and rational. I started to point it all out until I just went back and realized everything you said was either not a sentence, a really bad statement, or a question with a very simple answer. Im sorry dude, but IMHO you bring some of the worst posts ever. They would improve dramatically if you at least mastered forming complete sentences and some basic grammar.