I agree cursing for the most part can be avoided. I have found throughout my years that the people who are less witty and sometimes less intelligent revert to constant cursing. Instead of a witty response or comeback, they will use name calling and curse words as their response back. Curse words will come out time to time, but they shouldn't be a part of your daily vocabulary.
I for one do not curse, but I work with some people who curse all the time. If I mess up on something, I will be upset, but I won't need to yell out a F-bomb or another curse word. Do the people around me really need to hear that? No. If someone says something to get under your skin, the best thing is to just ignore them. If for some reason you just have to respond, think of a good response that is not a personal attack. You don't need curse words and name calling to get your point across. Did Obama and McCain resort to curse words during their debates? No, they had intelligent responses.
As FinHeaven, a place where we want everyone to feel welcomed, it would be nice if people could refrain from the constant curse words. That is why we have the filter. People claim that fans of other teams can post things and that the topics only get moved when Dolphin fans respond. That is not true. Some of these fans from other websites know exactly what to do to get under people's skin without the vulgar childish comments. The responses that resort in a lot of little "********" appearing are not real thought out.
Like I said above, we want this to be a friendly website where everyone is welcomed. That doesn't mean this place is filled with fluffy bunnies and rainbows. We can still have arguments and conversations, but we don't want the 9 year old Dolfan logging on here for the first time and seeing a bunch of filth. If you need to just curse like there is no tomorrow or attack another fan, do it in the Depths. That is why that forum was created.